Laser performances of passively Q-switched Pr3+-doped oxide …
2021年7月1日 · We report on compact blue-diode-pumped Pr,Mg:SrAl 12 O 19 (SRA) lasers in continuous-wave and passively Q-switched regimes. For continuous-wave mode, three lasers have been achieved with maximum output powers of 675 mW, 566 mW and 312 mW at wavelengths of 643 nm, 724 nm and 622 nm, respectively.
Yb3+ 敏化 Er3+- 和 Pr3+ 共掺杂 PbGeO3:PbF2:xF2 (x = Mg, Ba)
研究了 Er3+- 和 Pr3+/Yb3+-共掺杂的 PbGeO3-PbF2-xF2 (x=Mg, Ba) 玻璃和微晶玻璃在 975 nm 红外激发下的光学性质和能量转移上转换发光。 在 Er3+/Yb3+-共掺杂样品中,绿色(525 和 550 nm)和红色(662 nm)发光分别对应于 H11/22→I15/24、S3/24→I15/24 e F9/24→I15/24 ,很容易被观察到。 在 Pr3+/Yb3+-共掺杂系统中,发射峰值在 485、530、610 和 645 附近,这归因于 P03-HJ3 (J=4,5,6) 和 P03-FJ3 (J=2,3,4 ) 转变,分别被观察到。
Photon avalanche effect and spectral control of single LiYF4:Yb3+/Pr3 …
2025年1月1日 · In this work, LiYF 4: Yb 3+ /Pr 3+ micrometer-sized particles are employed to investigate the phenomenon of photon avalanche effect and the regulation effect on the photon avalanche with LSPR from assembled Au nanorods. We observed clear thresholds and large nonlinear changes during the study, and proved that the photon avalanche effect occurred.
Rapid high-contrast reversible coloration of Ba3MgSi2O8:Pr3 ...
In this study, an ultra-high color contrast of 77.1% is obtained through inducing oxygen vacancy defects in Ba 3 MgSi 2 O 8:0.5%Pr 3+ by ion doping and sintering in a reducing atmosphere.
Multimodal luminescence in Pr3+ single-doped Li2CaSiO4 …
2023年10月15日 · Multimodal luminescence is realized in Pr 3+ single-doped Li 2 CaSiO 4 phosphor. Multi-responsive UVC and red light emissions are reported. Reversible …
Development of a potential optical thermometric material through ...
The experimental results indicate that the electron population efficiency between the involved Pr 3+ 4f multiplets is directly governed by multi-phonon relaxation (MPR) and cross relaxation (CR), and the IVCT state provides an additional contribution to the 1 D 2 luminescence.
A Pr3+ doping strategy for simultaneously optimizing the size …
Spinel-phase Zn2Ga2.98−xGe0.75O8:Cr0.020,Prx (ZGGO:Cr3+,Pr3+) near infrared (NIR) persistent luminescence nanoparticles (PLNPs) with different amounts of Pr3+ dopant were prepared by a hydrothermal method in combination with a subsequent annealing in a vacuum. For these nanoparticles, the averaged particle s 2017 PCCP HOT Articles
Pr3+在SBN晶体中的发光特性 - 物理学报
通过测量Pr:SBN晶体的吸收光谱和荧光光谱来确定Pr3+在SBN晶体中的能级位置。 由于Pr3+离子占据晶体中的不同格位而引起荧光带呈现双峰结构。 测量荧光寿命随温度的变化关系,表明Pr3+在SBN晶体中 3P0态的无辐射弛豫主要是 3P0→1D2多声子弛豫过程。 The energy levels of Pr3+ in SBN crystal are determined by means of absorption spectra and fluorescence spectra. The fluorescence band exhibits a double peak due to Pr3+ ions at different sites in SBN crystal.
Pr3+ 离子,另一种替代的近红外发光发射器,通过来自 Eu2+ 的能 …
近红外 (NIR) 发光二极管 (LED) 已引起全球研究的广泛关注。 这项研究提出了一种掺杂有 Pr 离子的新型近红外荧光粉,具有 800 至 1100 nm 的宽近红外发射范围。 在 450 nm 激发下,LiCsBaBPO:Pr 材料产生峰值在 882 和 1038 nm 的近红外发射带。 然而,这种材料表现出相对较低的发光强度。 通过Eu共掺杂,LiCsBaBPO:Pr的近红外发射强度由于能量转移而显着增强。 光致发光光谱和发光衰减曲线支持 Eu 和 Pr 之间的有效能量转移 (ET),从而产生显着的近红外 …
Neutrophil elastase inhibitor 5 | HNE/PR3双重抑制剂 | MCE
Neutrophil elastase inhibitor 5 (compound 29) is a dual inhibitor of HNE (human neutrophil elastase) and proteinase 3 (PR3) with IC50 values of 4.91 μM and 20.69 μM, respectively. Neutrophil elastase inhibitor 5 can be used in the study of neutrophil inflammatory diseases [1]. IC50: 4.91 μM (HNE); 20.69 μM (PR3) [1].