MG ZS 天生出眾
可視角度達170度的10.1吋懸浮式觸控螢幕,搭配低反光技術,所有資訊都清晰可見,直覺化的操控介面讓使用上更為便利。 (標配 Apple Carplay 與 Android Auto) 還在苦惱人生? 我們幫你看透一切. 搭載360°環景影像輔助系統,利用環繞車身周遭的鏡頭,於觸控螢幕中顯示車輛環視畫面,讓駕駛對車身周遭環境一目了然,停車更能一步到位。 怕熱嗎? 來點涼的吧. 最貼心的後座冷氣出風口,讓車內所有人都能享受舒適乘坐品質。 想看得更多? 把天窗打開吧. 大面積天窗讓車 …
MG Motor HK | MG電動車香港代理 | World's Leading EV with a 7 …
MG is a British automotive marque founded by Cecil Kimber in the 1920s, and now delivering high quality EV cars. 源於1924年英國的MG汽車名牌,現引入高質純電動車。
新消息|改良版4月抵港 MG ZS EV一式兩款 續航力440km 一換 …
2022年3月15日 · 國產品牌上汽名爵MG繼去年在港推出MG ZS EV電動玩樂車,今年初再引入MG 5 EV電動旅行車之後,據代理富利堡汽車透露,2022年款新改良升級版MG ZS EV,最快可於4月登陸本地。 全線ZS EV新版換上由「寧得時代」CATL製造的水冷式鋰離子電池組合 (CATL即上海製造Tesla Model 3/Y電池供應商),港版將會有兩款前驅型號提供,包括51kWh標準版 (馬力177ps、扭力280Nm),續航力約320公里 (WLTP模式),以及新增72kWh長續航版 (馬力204ps …
MG ZS (crossover) - Wikipedia
The MG ZS is a subcompact crossover SUV produced by the Chinese automotive manufacturer SAIC Motor under the British MG marque. Announced at the 2016 Guangzhou Auto Show in China, the MG ZS is the second SUV to be produced under the MG marque after the MG GS .
All in!MG ZS旗艦版74.9萬「超規滿配」越級登場
2023年8月31日 · MG ZS旗艦版依循「超規滿配」策略,致力提供消費者應有盡有的豐富質感內裝配備,三幅式皮質方向盤與車內大量軟質、皮質用料完美交織,搭配紅色車縫線的巧妙點綴,堆疊出超越同級的高質感座艙氛圍。 全車除了採用皮質座椅,駕駛座內含六向電動調整,同時雙前座椅還擁有加熱功能,並誠意獻上後座冷氣出風口、EPB電子手煞車、Auto Hold智慧自動駐車功能,讓整體乘坐舒適度與操控便捷度更上層樓,大幅提升駕乘體驗。 主打科技感的ZS旗艦版不僅標 …
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MG ZS EV: Compact Electric SUV - MG Motor Australia
Introducing the new MG ZS EV: a stylish, comfortable, intelligent and 100% electric mid-sized SUV. With a sleek new design, the new ZS EV comes packed with future-forward features including leading-edge battery and motor technology and energy saving LED lighting.
2025 MG ZS Review: Price, Specs and Rating - carexplore.com.au
2025年3月9日 · Conclusion. The 2025 MG ZS reaffirms its status as a budget-friendly small SUV, now significantly updated with a refined hybrid powertrain, bigger modern infotainment, and a comfortable cabin with more intuitive climate shortcuts.. While the design is conservative and some on-road noise intrudes, the new system’s smooth transitions, decent real-world efficiency, and strong standard equipment ...
MG All-New ZS - MG Motor Australia
Australia's best-selling compact SUV± just got better! Introducing the all-new MG ZS, the dynamic compact SUV designed to elevate your driving experience. Available in both petrol and hybrid powertrains, the all-new ZS combines a sleek redesign, spacious comfort, dependable safety features and cutting-edge technology, built to fit your lifestyle.