MG6 (automobile) - Wikipedia
The first-generation MG6 was initially announced in April 2009 at the Shanghai Auto Show, as a five-door GT / fastback, [1] and in October 2010 at Shanghai Expo, as a four-door notchback saloon model. [2] It is derived from the Roewe 550, hence being distantly related to the Rover 75, sharing its front subframe. [3]
MG6 | Rover Wiki | Fandom
The MG6 is a mid-size car produced by MG Motor under the MG marque from 2010 onwards. It is derived from the Roewe 550, hence being distantly related to the Rover 75, sharing its front subframe. It was initially announced in April 2009 at the Shanghai Auto Show as a hatchback and in October 2010 at Shanghai Expo as a 4-door saloon model.
MG 6 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MG 6 是 上海汽車 下属企业南京 名爵 生產的一款紧凑级五門掀背式轎車。 由位于中國大陸的工廠與 榮威550 車款共線生產。 发布于2009年 广州车展 [1]。 该车型定位于同属紧凑级的 MG GT (英语:MG GT) 轿车和 MG 5 (英语:MG5 (automobile)) 掀背车之上。 与荣威550一样,MG 6主要是由上海汽车位于英国的设计工作室设计完成,引擎为原Rover K系列发动机,排量1.8L。 除在中国外,上海汽车还计划将其销售至 英国 以及 爱尔兰。 2014年MG 6獲得英國房車賽 …
MG 6 | MG-Rover.org Forums
2023年7月29日 · Talk about anything driving or ownership relating to the MG 6 in here.
MG6 经典款 - 上汽集团MG名爵官网-MG ONE-名爵5-MG6 PRO ...
6.2L 超长轴距 mm MG6 经典版 敢为人前,天生渴望速度激情,释放心中对超跑的渴望 让驾控的快感尽情释放! 配置表
第三代MG6领潮版、名爵6、价格、参数配置、预约试驾|上汽MG …
第三代MG6领潮版,超宽体领潮轿跑,Fastback溜背设计引领设计美学风潮,搭载上汽蓝芯2.0 MEGA Tech双十佳动力组合,181PS最大马力。
MG Rover Group - Wikipedia
MG Rover Group was a British carmaker that existed between 2000 and 2005. It was the last domestically owned mass-production car manufacturer in the British motor industry. The company was formed when BMW sold the car-making and engine manufacturing assets of the original Rover Group to Phoenix Venture Holdings in 2000.
MG MG6 | Technical Specs, Fuel consumption, Dimensions
Choose a generation of MG MG6 from the list below to view their respective versions. Тo check out further technical specifications (like engine power, dimensions, weight, fuel consumption, etc.), please select one of the versions.