GUWAPO - Tagalog Lang
2024年12月19日 · Who’s the most handsome? Ikaw ang pinakaguwapo. You’re the most handsome. The female equivalent is guwapa / gwapa. A colloquial Tagalog word for ‘handsome’ is pogi. guwápo: makisig na laláki. Nagbulungan ang mga kaklase ko sa pag-alis ng guwapong lalaki. GUWAPO... Filipino word for handsome... Listen to how to pronounce...
Top 47 Slang For Filipino – Meaning & Usage - FluentSlang
2023年10月3日 · 37. Pogi/Gwapo. These words are Filipino slang terms used to describe a good-looking or attractive male individual. They are often used as compliments or to express admiration for someone’s physical appearance. For instance, “Ang pogi mo!” means “You’re handsome!” When someone says, “Gwapo niya!” it means “He’s good-looking!”
gwapo in English - Tagalog-English Dictionary | Glosbe
Check 'gwapo' translations into English. Look through examples of gwapo translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
How do you say "-------- What does "mga guaping" mean in
mga is a plural word in ph and guaping is slang term for gwapo, which means handsome so.. that means ‘handsome boys’ |GWAPO MEANS HANDSOME''
Guide: How to Say "Handsome" in Tagalog - How To Say Guide
2020年7月25日 · When speaking formally or when addressing someone you don’t know well, it’s important to use polite and courteous language. In Tagalog, you can say “handsome” formally by using the phrase “gwapong-gwapo” or “maganda ang mukha.” Let’s explore these phrases in more detail: “Gwapong-gwapo” – A Formal Compliment.
"gwapo "是什麼意思? - 關於菲律賓語的問題 - HiNative
gwapo 的意思@Luna2017 gwapo is for boys and Maganda is for girls. |@Luna2017 For men.. for feminine say "gwapa" or maganda|It means handsome|good looking.|yes its just same even girl or boy.|hansome
How to Say “Handsome” in the Philippines: Formal and Informal …
2023年2月13日 · When referring to someone as “handsome” in the Philippines, you have several options: 1. Guwapo. A widely-used term in the Philippines to describe someone as handsome is “guwapo”. This word can be used to refer to men of all ages, from young boys to elderly gentlemen. Example: “Siya ay isang guwapong binata.” (He is a handsome young man.) 2.
Gwapo o Gwapa - Bisdak Words
Gwapo o Gwapa means good looking. Gwapo is for male and Gwapo is for female. Sample: Gwapa iyang uyab (His girlfriend is pretty) Antonym: Bati'g nawong. (Ugly)
Gwapo: Definition of Filipino / Tagalog word gwapo
Define gwapo: [adjective] handsome; attractive; cute; * for men / males; Tagalog / Filipino word.
Gwapo in Tagalog
2023年8月7日 · Gwapo in Tagalog... English translation of Filipino words... usage examples... Am I handsome? You are the most handsome...