Mil Mi-24 - Wikipedia
The Mil Mi-24 (Russian: Миль Ми-24; NATO reporting name: Hind) is a large helicopter gunship, attack helicopter and low-capacity troop transport with room for eight passengers. [1] . It is produced by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant and was introduced by the Soviet Air Force in 1972. The helicopter is currently in use by 58 countries.
Mi-24P (Mi-25 and Mi-35) Hind - Airforce Technology
2020年9月4日 · The Mi24D (Mi-25) and the Mi-24V (Mi-35) are equipped with a YakB four-barrelled, 12.7mm, built-in, flexibly mounted machine gun, which has a firing rate of 4,000-4,500 rounds a minute and a muzzle velocity of 860m/s. The Mi-24P is fitted with a 30mm, built-in, fixed gun mount; the Mi-24VP with a 23mm, built-in, flexibly mounted gun.
List of Mil Mi-24 variants - Wikipedia
Latest modernization of Mi-24P helicopters, fitted with a new modular direct infrared countermeasures system, autopilot, improved power supply unit and OPS-24N-1L navigation and targeting station. It has also an option for an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. First unveiled at 2019 MAKS International Aviation and Space Salon ...
Mi-24雌鹿直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
米爾 米-24 (北約代號 「雌鹿」 [Hind])是由 米爾莫斯科直升機工廠 於1972年開始生產,主要定位為對地攻擊和運載少量兵員用途的大型直昇機,最初由 蘇聯空軍 開始使用,現已成功外銷30多國。 北約 命名規則把外銷版的 Mi-25直升機 和 Mi-35直升機 分別命名為雌鹿D與雌鹿E, 蘇聯 飛行員則暱稱為「飛行戰車」或「Krokodil(鱷魚)」(因為其外型輪廓和迷彩紋路與鱷魚相似)。 [1] 一架早期型的Mi-24A。 留意其座艙設計當時為並列式設計。 1960年代早期,蘇聯 設計師 米 …
Mil Mi-24 / Mi-25 / Mi-35 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History
Blog posts that mention the Mil Mi-24 / Mi-25 / Mi-35: Top 15 Fastest Helicopters in the World
Mil Mi-24 (Hind) Armed Assault Gunship / Attack Helicopter
2023年8月2日 · While the Mi-28 is a more dedicated anti-tank platform developed specifically to combat enemy armor with crew and systems survivability as a priority, the Mi-24 - its days appearing numbered - still finds a use on the battlefields of today.
米-25直升机 - 百度百科
米-25的装备特别突出,在鼻锥下方配备了四挺12.7毫米 机枪 ,配备1400发弹药而且具备很高的射击速度。 另外,在机翼下方的6个挂架上还可以携带4 200千克军火,包括UV-57—32 57毫米非制导 火箭发射器 、反坦克导弹(ATGM)、 空对空导弹 (AAM)甚至是 集束炸弹 。
Operation Mount Hope III - Wikipedia
Operation Mount Hope III was a top secret clandestine American military operation to capture a Soviet-made Mil Mi-25 "Hind-D" attack helicopter, an export model of the Soviet Mi-24. The aircraft had been abandoned in the conflict between Libya and Chad .
The Mi-24 'Hind' – 10 Amazing Facts About the Cold War’s …
2020年9月30日 · Designed as a heavily armed, armoured troop-transport for use against NATO forces on European battlefields, as many as 250 of the winged, 18,000-pound choppers, codenamed the “Hind” by Western intelligence, appeared in the skies over Afghanistan during Moscow’s nine-year campaign there.
米格-25:一个不朽的传奇 - 中国军网
2016年2月16日 · 它就是苏联米高扬设计局研制的高空高速截击歼击机———米格-25,北约代号“狐蝠”。 无与伦比的速度令西方瞠目结舌. 米格-25于20世纪50年代末开始设计,主要是为了对付美国正在研发的xb-70“瓦尔基里”轰炸机和sr-71“黑鸟”高空高速侦察机。