Mil Mi-28 - Wikipedia
The Mil Mi-28 (NATO reporting name "Havoc") is a Soviet all-weather, day-night, military tandem, two-seat anti-armor attack helicopter.It is an attack helicopter with no intended secondary transport capability, and is better optimized than the Mil Mi-24 gunship for the role. It carries a single gun in an undernose barbette, plus external loads carried on pylons beneath stub wings.
The Comprehensive Guide to the Mil Mi-28 Helicopter - Hovering …
2023年9月21日 · The Mil Mi-28 helicopter, often standing tall amidst its counterparts, isn’t just a feat of design and engineering—it’s a symphony of advanced technology, optimized for combat scenarios. Let’s delve deep into the technical nuances that power this modern-day marvel and understand what makes it a force to reckon with in the skies.
Mi-28攻擊直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mi-28, 北约代号 “浩劫”(Havoc)。 是米爾設計局研發的縱列雙座攻擊直升機。 雖然自問世以來,綜合性能受到 俄軍 的高度肯定,然而 蘇聯解體 之後的俄軍在過去的10年間缺乏足夠的採購經費,因此無法大量購買這種攻擊直升機。 儘管如此,Mi-28多年來經常在國際間舉行的武器裝備展中出現,成為苏联末期和俄国的代表性武器装备之一。 1972年,米爾設計局開始著手設計Mi-28原型機,並於1976年開始研製和改進Mi-28原型機,此架攻擊直升機的設計思維大量吸收了美國的 …
Mil Mi-28 "Havoc" - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero …
The Mil Mi-28 "Havoc" is a pinnacle of attack helicopter design, merging devastating firepower with advanced technology to dominate modern battlefields. Renowned for its all-weather, day-and-night capabilities, the Havoc excels in precision strikes and ground support missions.
Mi-28A/N Havoc Attack Helicopter - Army Technology
Mi-28 can fly at a maximum speed of 300km/h, can fly rearwards and sideways at speeds up to 100km/h and is able to hover turn at 45° a second. The helicopter design is based on the conventional pod and boom configuration, with a tail rotor. The main rotor head has elastomeric bearings and the main rotor blades are made from composite materials.
Mi-28攻擊直升機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Mi-28,北約代號「浩劫」(Havoc)。是米爾設計局研發的縱列雙座攻擊直升機。雖然自問世以來,綜合性能受到俄軍的高度肯定,然而蘇聯解體之後的俄軍在過去的10年間缺乏足夠的採購經費,因此無法大量購買這種攻擊直升機。儘管如此,Mi-28多年來經常在國際 ...
Mil Mi-28 (Havoc) - Military Factory
2023年10月3日 · The Mil Mi-28 (NATO reporting name of "Havoc") was a product of the Cold War designed as an anti-tank attack platform similar in scope and function to the American Hughes AH-64 Apache series.
Mil Mi-28A/N Havoc - Army Recognition
2024年12月9日 · The Mil Mi-28A/N (NATO reporting name "Havoc") is a Russian all-weather, day-night, military tandem, two-seat anti-armor attack helicopter designed and produced by Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant. It is a dedicated attack helicopter with no intended secondary transport capability, better optimized than the Mil Mi-24 gunship for the role.
米-28攻击直升机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年10月6日 · 米-28, 北约代号 “浩劫”(Havoc)。 是米尔设计局研发的纵列双座攻击直升机。 虽然自问世以来,综合性能受到 俄军 的高度肯定,然而 苏联解体 之后的俄军在过去的10年间缺乏足够的采购经费,因此无法大量购买这种攻击直升机。 尽管如此,米-28多年来经常在国际间举行的武器装备展中出现,成为苏联末期和俄国的代表性武器装备之一。 1972年,米尔设计局开始着手设计米-28原型机,并于1976年开始研制和改进米-28原型机,此架攻击直升机的设计思 …
Mi-28 HAVOC (MIL) - GlobalSecurity.org
The Mi-28 Havoc is a new-generation attack helicopter that functions as an air-to-air and air-to-ground partner for the Mi-24 Hind and Ka-50 Hokum. The five-blade main rotor is mounted above...