Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 - Wikipedia
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 (Russian: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-19; NATO reporting name: Farmer) is a Soviet second generation, single-seat, twinjet fighter aircraft. It was the first Soviet production aircraft capable of supersonic speeds in level flight.
米格-19战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
米格-19战斗机 (俄语: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-19)是苏联 米高扬-古列维奇飞机设计局 于20世纪50年代研制的一种双发喷气式 超音速战斗机。 是 苏联 第二代喷气式战斗机,20世纪60-70年代 苏联 国土防空部队的主要装备,也是苏联第一种量产的超音速战斗机。 北约代号 农夫 (Farmer)。 中华人民共和国 仿製的米格-19稱為 殲-6。 米格-19的机身蒙皮材质为 铝 质,尾喷口附近使用少量钢材。 米格-19翼展19米,采用后掠翼设计,机翼前缘后掠角58°,在离翼尖 …
米格-19战斗机(英文:MiG-19 Fighter,北约代号:Farmer,代号译文:农夫,俄文:Микоян МиГ-19),是20世纪50年代初期苏联米高扬设计局研制的一种单座双发喷气后掠翼战斗机,也是世界上第一种进入批量生产的超音速战斗机。
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 (Russian: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-19; NATO reporting name: Farmer) is a Soviet second-generation, single-seat, twin jet-engined fighter aircraft. It was the first Soviet production aircraft capable of supersonic speeds in level flight.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 - Aero Corner
The Mikoyan MiG-19 is the first most-produced supersonic aircraft powered by two jet engines capable of reaching supersonic speeds in level flight. It was a second-generation jet fighter developed by the Russian manufacturer, Mikoyan-Gurevich introduced in March 1955.
Mig-19 - University of Pennsylvania
2013年1月20日 · The Mig-19 was the Soviet Union's first serial production supersonic jet fighter. Initially conceived as a day fighter with limited all-weather capability, the Mig-19 evolved into a formidable aircraft.
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 “Farmer” – The Forgotten MiG
The MiG-19 was born of a 1951 requirement of the Soviet military for a heavily armed, supersonic fighter capable of reaching the altitudes required to counter western strategic bombers. It was a very high order at a time when the jet fighter was barely out of its infancy as a technology.
Aerospaceweb.org | Aircraft Museum - MiG-19 'Farmer'
2011年2月12日 · The first model to enter service, the MiG-19P, was the first Soviet combat aircraft capable of maintaining supersonic speed in level flight, but was soon withdrawn due to …
Mikoyan Gurevich - MiG-19 Technical data - Ultimate Specs
Maximum speed at 10,000 meters (32,800 feet): 784 knots (1452 km/h, 902 mph, Mach 1.18). - 2x weapon pylons for air-to-air rockets in pods or bombs. The chinese built MiG-19 was named Shenyang J-6. There was a two-seat trainer version with the name Shenyang JJ-6. In total were built over 4,500 units. Crew: 1. NATO name Farmer.
默默农夫,MiG-19 原型机型号集 - 百家号
2018年1月3日 · 作为苏联乃至世界上第一种实用化的超音速战斗机, MiG-19 在技术上全方位的领先于他的西方竞争对手, 为苏联赢得了空前绝后的技术优势, 然而 MiG-19 所获得的声名却比不上他的前辈 MiG-15 或是他的后来者 MiG-21。