MiWay - City of Mississauga
Information about Mississauga's transit provider, MiWay, including schedules, maps, service updates, fares, transfers, connections, trip planning and travelling guidelines.
About MiWay – MiWay - City of Mississauga
All about the MiWay public transit system vision, mission, values, upcoming projects and plans, and how MiWay is addressing climate change with hybrid-electric buses.
MiWay joins the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Program
MiWay’s commitment to reducing transit barriers speaks to its goal of enhancing the customer experience by making travel in Mississauga safer, more accessible, convenient and inclusive. MiWay employees recognize the Sunflower logo and will show support by: Asking if they can help; Being kind; Not judging; Having patience; Listening closely
Fare prices – MiWay - City of Mississauga
Find out how much it costs to ride on MiWay for adults, seniors, youth and children. Compare prices for cash fares, PRESTO, MiWay monthly pass, and GO Transit Co-fare.
Accessible services – MiWay - City of Mississauga
Information about accessibility features of MiWay buses, bus stops and transitway stations including priority seating and instructions on how to use the ramp on the bus.
Route maps – MiWay - City of Mississauga
View individual MiWay route maps, including local routes, express routes and high school routes. Download PDF maps or view in an interactive trip planner.
Service Changes start on Monday, Sept. 2 – MiWay - City of …
2024年8月13日 · On Labour Day, Monday, Sept. 2, MiWay will operate on a regular Sunday schedule. On Thanksgiving Day , Monday, Oct. 14, MiWay will operate on a regular Sunday schedule. The Information and Fares booths at the City Centre Transit Terminal will be closed.
City of Mississauga
The official website of the City of Mississauga. Find information about Council, policies and by-laws, City services, programs, facilities, events and attractions, and projects.
Schedules – MiWay - City of Mississauga
Find MiWay transit schedules for local and express routes. Plan your route by searching for your bus route number or route name, or by bus station or stop name.
In 2018, MiWay redesigned its bus stop markers and included the new Dynamic Symbol of Access. The new bus stop markers include the MiWay logo, contact information (website and phone number), as well as stop identification number. Detailed description of …