MIC-1 - Wikipedia
The MIC-1 is a CPU architecture invented by Andrew S. Tanenbaum to use as a simple but complete example in his teaching book Structured Computer Organization. It consists of a very …
GitHub - abecirovic3/MIC-1-Simulator: Simulator for the MIC-1 CPU ...
MIC-1 Simulator is an interactive simulator for the MIC-1 CPU. The application is primarily intended to be used by the students of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, but …
mic-1 · GitHub Topics · GitHub
2022年2月17日 · A hardware implementation of the MIC-1 processor architecture invented by Andrew S. Tanenbaum.
MIC-1 ℹ - Racket
The MIC-1 is a CPU with 16 general purpose 16-bit registers. Registers 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 have default values 0000000000000000, 0000000000000001, 1111111111111111, …
The MIC-1 Architecture - Thomas Jefferson High School for …
The MIC-1 is a hypothetical computer defined in the book by Andrew S. Tannenbaum, Structured Computer Organization, 3rd Edition. It is used to help teach the how modern computers are …
Electronic-and-Computer-Engineering/mic-1-hdl - GitHub
Verilog description of a MIC-1 based CPU. This repository contains the work for a study project at the FH Joanneum. The CPU is designed to work with Vivado and yosys/nextpnr. It is tested to …
CSC-3054: Mic-1 Loading and Testing - YouTube
2020年9月8日 · This is for students taking Computer Architecture and using the Mic-1 Simulator described in Tanenbaum and Austin's Structured Computer Architecture. It's a basic …
Mic1 Microprogramming Simulator - Saint Vincent College
2014年4月3日 · With Mic1, students (or the instructor) can run small test microprograms, or even Tanenbaum's Mic-1 microprogram which interprets Mac-1 programs. (Mac-1 refers to his …
mic1 - Ontko
2010年8月2日 · mic1 is a Java-based simulator which implements the Mic-1 microarchitecture described in Chapter 4 of Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Structured Computer Organization, Fourth …
Mic1, Micro-assembly language, creating a multiplier
I'm currently working with micro-assembly language (MAL) and using the Mic1mmv simulator to test it. I'm trying to figure out how to make a program that multiplies two numbers, but I'm …