Microcephaly - PAHO/WHO | Pan American Health Organization
2022年7月6日 · Microcephaly is an uncommon condition whose causes can be genetic or environmental (related to toxicity, radiation or infection). It is defined as a condition at birth in which the newborn's head circumference is less than expected for age and sex. Microcephaly can present as an isolated condition or may be associated with other symptoms, such as …
Zika: : Symptoms, Prevention and Treatments - PAHO/WHO
2016年3月8日 · Zika fever is an infectious disease caused by the Zika virus (ZIKV) and transmitted through the bite of Aedes mosquitoes infected with ZIKV. The disease is mainly characterized by a rash (mainly maculopapular and cephalocaudal distribution), pruritus, non-purulent conjunctivitis, arthralgia, myalgia, periarticular edema, and fever.
WHO: Assessment of infants with microcephaly in the context of
2016年8月30日 · This Rapid Advice Guideline updates the Interim Guidance on the “Assessment of infants with microcephaly in the context of Zika virus” published in February 2016 (WHO/ZIKV/MOC/16.3). The recommendations provides guidance on the screening, clinical assessment, neuroimaging, laboratory investigation and follow-up of children born to women …
Zika: the unknown epidemic and PAHO’s swift response
In 2015 and 2016, the word Zika evoked fear in pregnant women living or traveling to tropical areas of the Americas. In countries where the mosquito-borne disease spread, babies of some infected mothers were being born with microcephaly, marked by abnormally small heads, brain damage and a future of developmental problems.
Case control study shows causal relationship between Zika ... - PAHO
2016年9月15日 · Brasilia/Washington, September 15, 2016 (PAHO/WHO)—The microcephaly epidemic reported in Brazil in 2015 is the result of congenital Zika virus infection from mother to child, according to a preliminary case-control study by the Microcephaly Epidemic Research Group (MERG), published today in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal. The study is titled …
microcephaly, Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, the PAHO Director, formally activated the Zika Incident Management System (IMS) on 8 December 2015 in order to make the best possible use of the expertise of PAHO staff (in addition to headquarters staff, PAHO country and regional experts were deployed to headquarters to support the efforts).
Timeline - Emergence of the Zika virus in the Americas
- 15 September 2016: The Lancet published the study titled "Association between Zika virus infection and microcephaly in Brazil, January to May, 2016: preliminary report of a case-control study." This preliminary analysis showed a strong association between microcephaly and laboratory confirmation of Zika virus infection.
Zika: A silent virus requiring enhanced surveillance and control
2023年1月9日 · With regard to complications from the disease, WHO also warned that pregnant women are particularly susceptible to its effects, since it can lead to congenital malformations, such as microcephaly, as well as an increased likelihood of preterm births or spontaneous abortions. Situation in the Americas and control measures
Epidemiological Alert Oropouche in the Region of the Americas
In previous epidemiological updates, circulation of Oropouche virus (OROV) has been reported in several countries in the Region of the Americas. In this epidemiological alert the identification of possible cases of vertical transmission of OROV in Brazil, which …
Public Health Risk Assessment related to Oropouche Virus (OROV …
2024年2月9日 · Due to recent highly concerning changes in the observed clinical and epidemiological characteristics of Oropouche fever, a disease caused by the Oropouche virus (OROV), in countries within the Region of the Americas—including the recent increase and expansion of cases in newly recorded areas, outside of the regions previously considered to …