MICV-65 - Wikipedia
MICV-65, short for Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle, 1965, was a US Army project that studied a number of armored fighting vehicles that would replace the M113 and M114 as well …
XM-701 Infantry Combat Vehicle (1965), MICV-65 - tank-afv.com
The XM-701 Infantry Combat Vehicle or MICV-65 was an experimental Infantry Fighting Vehicle leading to the MICV-70 programme later better known as the M2 Bradley. It was the first step …
美国XM800T装甲车,50年前的美国轻型装甲车计划产物 - 知乎
2022年3月14日 · 最终美国陆军主导的MICV-65计划没有取得成果,军队转而采购了 布雷德利 步战车,用它搭配M1主战坦克,XM800T轻型装甲车只生产了几辆原型车。 XM800T轻型装甲车 …
XM701 Mechanised Infantry Combat Vehicle (MICV) - GlobalSecurity.org
2012年2月10日 · The IFV began in 1963 as MICV-65 (Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle). The broad mission of MICV-65 and all subsequent vehicles was to provide the cavalry with close …
【奇怪战车】XM800W - 哔哩哔哩
2024年4月21日 · 由于M113/114装甲运兵车(APC)在实际服役中表现不佳,美军寻求替代品,开启了MICV-65(“1965年机械化步兵战斗车辆”)项目,XM800W即该项目的成果之一。 …
MICV-65 - 나무위키
micv-65는 병력수송장갑차의 임무를 맡는 것에 집중되었고, 신형 보병전투차 계획이 나오면서 micv-65를 위한 두가지 설계안이 제시되었다. 하나는 XM701로, 퍼시픽 카 앤 파운드리(현재 파카 Inc …
MICV-65 - ナムウィキ - ja.namu.wiki
2025年1月27日 · 1960年代に提示されたmicv apcのように9人の武装兵力が搭乗することができ、新しい鋼鉄/アルミニウム積層式手袋が適用され、防御力はbtr-60やbtr-80にかかったソ連 …
MICV-65 - Military Wiki
MICV-65, short for Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle, 1965, was a US Army project that studied a number of armored fighting vehicles that would replace the M113 and M114 as well …
2020年10月20日 · M242“巨蝮”计划始于上世纪60年代的MICV-65步兵战车计划研制时期,美军计划打造一款新的装甲车并取代M113/114承担各种新的战场任务,而MICV-65配套的武器 …
MICV-65 - NamuWiki
The MICV-65 was focused on taking on the mission of troops, and two designs for MICV-65 were presented with the new infantry combat plan. One was the XM701, which was planned based …