Mikoyan MiG-31 - Wikipedia
The Mikoyan MiG-31 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-31; NATO reporting name: Foxhound) is a supersonic interceptor aircraft developed for the Soviet Air Forces by the Mikoyan design bureau as a replacement for the earlier MiG-25 "Foxbat"; the MiG-31 is based on and shares design elements with the MiG-25.
米格-31戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
許多早期MiG-31也加快升級,更新型的稱為MiG-31BS。 MiG-31M :1983開始研发,1986首飛,但是 蘇聯解體 干擾了諸多計畫。 自2000年後,許多機體才升級到MiG-31M,包含許多航電升級例如 GPS 衛星定位和 GLONASS 接收器,三具彩色CRT顯示器用於後座武器官。
米格-31战斗机 - 百度百科
米格-31是俄军双引擎双座全天候重型超音速截击机,是一款专门用于在空中截击入侵的敌方轰炸机、侦察机或巡航导弹的军用飞机。 [3] 米格-31战机,北约代号“捕狐犬”, [3] 米格-31是苏联米格设计局研发的一款串列双座重型全天候高速远程战斗机, [5] 也是俄空军现役唯一的一种专用于空对空作战的远程防空截击机,同时还是全球范围内飞行速度最快、起飞重量最大的战斗机。 [3] 它主要截击的对象是超音速高空战略侦察机,以及低空来袭的巡航导弹等。 [3] 米格-31的主要对手 …
米格-31战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年11月19日 · 米高扬米格-31 (Микоян МиГ-31),是目前世界上飞行速度最快的战斗机和 拦截机, 北约代号 捕狐犬 (Foxhound),是一款由 前苏联 米高扬设计局 以 米格-25 为基础进一步发展而成的超音速双座全天候 拦截机。 直到21世纪还在接受各种升级改装。 虽然MiG-25“狐蝠”式战斗机的高空高速表现与高爬升率已经引起西方国家莫大关切,但MiG-25在许多方面却仍就为苏联军方所诟病。
MiG-31 Foxhound Interceptor Aircraft - Airforce Technology
2021年2月18日 · MiG-31 Foxhound is a long-range, two-seat supersonic interceptor aircraft offered by Russian Aircraft Corporation (previously Mikoyan and MiG) principally for the Russian and Kazakhstan air forces. Its maiden flight took place in September 1975.
战机科普:米格31 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年3月8日 · 米高扬米格-31(Микоян МиГ-31),是目前世界上飞行速度最快的战斗机和拦截机,北约代号捕狐犬(Foxhound),是一款由前苏联米高扬设计局以米格-25为基础进一步发展而成的超音速双座全天候拦截机。 直到21世纪还在接受各种升级改装。 类型 截击机、空域防御. 首飞 1975年9月16日. 服役 1982年. 设计 米高扬设计局. 生产 米高扬设计局. 产量 500架以上. 主要用户 苏联,俄罗斯,哈萨克斯坦. 衍生自 米格-25战斗机 - 狐蝠(Foxbat) 技术数据. 长度 22.69 …
苏联截击之剑:MiG-31(上) - 百家号
mig-31d是一种反卫星导弹,作为美国asat(反卫星武器)计划的一部分于1987年开发。 它在机身下方装有一枚大型导弹和一个特殊的仰视雷达。 还配备了相关的拦截火控系统。
Mikoyan MiG-31 Foxhound: The Supersonic Russian Interceptor
2022年2月23日 · The MiG-31D developed as part of the U.S. Anti-Satellite (ASAT) program in 1987, is equipped with a single large missile mounted beneath its fuselage and a special upward-looking radar. Its primary role is to target and destroy satellites, with an integrated fire-control system to guide its attacks.
MiG-31 Foxhound - Global Aircraft
6 天之前 · The wings and airframe of the MiG-31 are stronger than those of the MiG-25, permitting supersonic flight at low altitudes. Its Aviadvigatel D30-F6 turbofans, rated at 34,000 pounds thrust, (also described as "bypass turbojets" due to the low bypass ratio) allow a maximum speed of Mach 1.23 at low altitude.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
MiG-31 (Foxhound) Russian Attack Aircraft is a supersonic interceptor aircraft developed for use by the Soviet Air Forces. The aircraft was designed by the Mikoyan design bureau as a replacement...
Mikoyan MiG-31 (Foxhound) - Military Factory
2023年10月3日 · The MiG-31, though externally resembling the MiG-25, was essentially an all-new aircraft with more powerful engines, low-altitude lethality and a second crewman in a rear cockpit to specifically manage the expanded radar suite.
Mikoyan MiG-31 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Mikoyan MiG-31 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-31; NATO reporting name: Foxhound) is a supersonic interceptor aircraft developed to replace the MiG-25 "Foxbat". The MiG-31 was designed by the Mikoyan design bureau based on the MiG-25.[2]
[2.0] MiG-31 Foxhound - airvectors.net
For simplicity, this ASAT launcher is the only Foxhound variant referred to as the MiG-31D in this document. The MiG-31D was resurrected in the late 1990s as the "MiG-31A" proposal, with the aircraft being used to launch a small satellite ("smallsat") payload of up to 100 kilograms (220 pounds) into orbit, instead of an ASAT interceptor.
Mig-31 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The Mig-31, Foxhound NATO-codename, is a long range, two-seat, high-speed, high-altitude fighter aircraft developed on the basis of the proven Mig-25 Foxbat interceptor. It is powered by two D-30F6 fuel-efficient engines developing a top speed of Mach 2.83 mach at high altitude.
MILAVIA Aircraft - Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-31 'Fulcrum'
2007年2月19日 · The MiG-31B incorporated an improved Zaslon-A fire control radar, superior long-range missiles (R-33S), additional missiles (the R-40TD medium-range missiles and R-60 short-range missiles), modernised navigation computer and new data exchange modes.
MiG-31 FOXHOUND - GlobalSecurity.org
2024年6月8日 · The MiG-31 (NATO reporting name: Foxhound) is Soviet / Russian fighter-interceptor supersonic long-range, developed in OKB Mikoyan and Gurevich in the 1970s. It was the first Soviet fourth ...
米格-31 捕狐犬 战斗机 (Mig-31 Foxhound) - 爱空军 iAirForce
米格-31战斗机是由米高扬和格列维奇飞机设计局设计的串列双座全天侯截击战斗机,两侧面进气、后掠翼、双垂尾,两翼展弦比达2.94。 主要截击对象是SR-71超音速高空战略侦察机。 由米格-25战斗机发展而来,北约集团给予的绰号是“捕狐犬”(Foxhound)。 1976年以前开始研制,1983年进入服役。 米格-31采用上单翼、双立尾、两侧进气布局。 机长22.69米,翼展13.46米,机高6.15米,装有两台D-306加力式涡扇发动机,每台最大推力14600公斤,高空(18300 …
Mikoyan Gurevich MIG-31 Foxhound Technical data - Ultimate …
Maximum speed 1500 km/h, (810 knots , Mach 1.21) at low level. First flight was in 1975 and started operations in 1982. Service ceiling declared at 82,000 feet, higher than western fighter airplanes. Radar: Pulse-Doppler (PD) with fixed antenna and phase controlled directions (PESA, passive electronically scanned array), the first in a jet fighter.
Mikoyan MiG-31 "(Foxhound)" - Anvil of War
The Mikoyan MiG-31 "Foxhound" was born as an all-weather, all-altitude offshoot of the earlier MiG-25 "Foxbat" supersonic interceptor of the Soviet Union. It was developed specifically to succeed the aging Tu-28/-128 "Fiddler" in its supersonic interceptor role.
MiG-31D - 机载反卫星导弹计划
2011年5月20日 · 在1986中,okb米格开始修改两架mig-31战斗机,用于不同的武器组合。 这种改装飞机的名称为MiG-31D(有一个名称和MiG-31А)(“产品07”)。 该产品是携带一个大型专用火箭,武器控制系统完全重做。
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