Mikoyan PAK DP - Wikipedia
It's been said at first that progression on the supersonic PAK DP MiG-41 interceptor was making use of the MiG-701 (Izdeliye 7.01) and Mikoyan MiG-31 projects begun in the 1990s. [9] As of July 2016, no official data was available concerning the aircraft's capabilities. It was speculated that it could enter service by the mid-2020s or 2030s.
Mikoyan MiG-701 (Type 7.01) - Military Factory
2020年3月18日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Mikoyan MiG-701 (Type 7.01) Long-Range Supersonic Interceptor Proposal including pictures.
米格701战略重型截击机 - 百度百科
MiG-701,以前翼-双三角机翼的形态,与同时期开发的 重型战斗机 (MFI)相同。 具有特征性的是那发动机的配置,机体后上部并列装备2台,据推测是因为需要确保在机体内部为了装载巨大的长途 空对空导弹 的大容量武器站。 座舱是一前一后串列双座。 并进(从SST超音速客机从那个尺寸超音速商务喷气式飞机的布局类型)也被开发,不过此后被肩并肩地的并列双座所替换。 苏联在1990年代陷入了经济危机的状况,米格701减缓了开发速度。 此后,受到苏联崩溃的影 …
product 70.1 - Испытатели
Later MDP became known as a product 7.01. As well as at its predecessor, a problem MDP should become patrolling and guards of extended borders USSR from a high share of a self-sufficiency. Thus it was supposed to make a sizeable step …
Mikoyan MiG-701 (Type 7.01) - Military Equipment Guide With …
Mikoyan engineers have plans for a larger aircraft than the MiG-31 in operation. The MiG-701 will feature a dual-parallel engine configuration with air-breathing afterburner turbofans.
Project 701 - GlobalSecurity.org
2017年8月23日 · The EDO "MIG" Project 7.01 (Project 701) was a heavy and stealthy interceptor intended as a replacement of MiG-31 and MiG-31M. It is speculated that both the "MiG-39" 1.42 and much...
MIKOYAN MIG-701 (type 7.01)是什麼樣的飛機? - 問答 - Glarity
MIKOYAN MIG-701 (type 7.01)是一種長程超音速攔截機。根據設計,這架飛機的總長度為30米,翼展為19米。最大起飛重量為65,000公斤。這款飛機是為了取代MiG-31而設計的長程和高空攔截機。它具有高度自主性,可用於巡邏任務[[1](https://www.militaryfactory.com
MDP program - the Mikoyan Product 701 | Secret Projects Forum
2006年1月6日 · The Product 701 was a long-range and high-altitude interceptor to replace MiG-31. It was designed for a high degree of autonomy to patrol the extreme borders of the USSR and intercept enemy bombers before they could launch their cruise missiles. Cranked delta wing, single vertical tail, and two turbofans above the wings with a dorsal intake.
Project 701 - Russia / Soviet Nuclear Forces - Federation of …
Project 701 The Project 7.01 (Project 701), a heavy and stealthy interceptor intended as a replacement of MiG-31 and MiG-31M, was cancelled in mid 1980sin favor of the Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker. It is speculated that both the "MiG-39" 1.42 and much larger 7.01 had similar origins derived from a MiG-31 Foxhound based canard-delta platform.
Mikoyan MiG-701 - Fly a jet fighter
The Mikoyan MiG-701, also known as the Type 7.01, is a Soviet-era experimental fighter aircraft that was designed by the Mikoyan Design Bureau in the late 1980s.