Mikoyan-Gurevich I-75 - Wikipedia
The Mikoyan-Gurevich I-75 was the final design of a series of three experimental swept-wing interceptors developed in the Soviet Union in the mid-late 1950s by the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau from their Mikoyan-Gurevich I-3 airframe.
List of Mikoyan and MiG aircraft - Wikipedia
This is a list of aircraft produced by Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG, formerly Mikoyan, a Russian aircraft manufacturer.
Sukhoi Su-75 Checkmate - Wikipedia
The Sukhoi Su-75 Checkmate (Russian: Сухой Су-75), also designated as the Light Tactical Aircraft (LTA; Russian: Лёгкий Тактический Самолёт - ЛТС, romanized: Legkiy Takticheskiy Samolyot - LTS), [1][2] is a single-engine, stealth fighter aircraft under development by Sukhoi for export and for the Russian ...
Mikoyan-Gurevich I-75 | Military Wiki | Fandom
Mikoyan-Gurevich I-75, a final design of a long line of experimental swept-wing interceptors, was a re-engined and radar-equipped version of the earlier Mach 2 class aircraft dubbed I-7, itself a development of yet another prototype, the I-3.
MiG I-75 - GlobalSecurity.org
The I-75 became, in practice, the first project of OKB-155 designed to destroy air targets using only guided missiles. In this project, two K-8 missiles (weight 275 kg, range 12 km) were sent to...
Mikoyan/Gurevich I-75 - fighter - aviastar.org
Powered by a Lyulka AL-7F-1 turbojet offering 6240kg and 9215kg with afterburning, the I-75 flew five times before being grounded on 15 May for installation of the Uragan 5B. Testing was resumed on 25 December 1958.
MiG - 75 - Военное обозрение
2014年12月9日 · Created on the basis of the MiG-1, the MiG-3 fighter took an active part in the air battles of the first half of the Great Patriotic War. On the MiG-3, Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, one of the best aces of the Red Army air force, won his first victory.
MiG-25:速度、升限和爬升率 - 知乎
设计与生产单位: MiG-25是由苏联的 米高扬 -古列维奇设计局(Mikoyan-Gurevich Design Bureau)设计并由苏联各航空制造厂生产。 其设计目标是追求高速和高高度性能,以应对可能的高空侦察和远程打击威胁。
2024年8月9日 · 近日,罗马尼亚国防部援引来自印度的消息声称,莫斯科正在向德里施压,要求选择苏-75作为印度米格-29的替代品。 这里说“施压”或许比较夸张,但是苏-75如果再拿不到研制资金,大概率就要胎死腹中了。 毕竟,俄罗斯政府没有采购苏-75的意向,这款大量采用苏57技术的中型隐形战斗机,一开始就是瞄准出口市场。 而在这个世界上,只有印度才敢说可以非常坚决地采购苏-75,而不用惧怕美国的制裁。 按理说,印度采购苏-75是非常合理的选择。 一是印度在退 …
SuperArc® LA-75 - Lincoln Electric
SuperArc LA-75 from Lincoln Electric is a premium copper coated low alloy MIG wire certified to meet 80 000 psi 552 MPa minimum tensile strength.