Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-8 - Wikipedia
The Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-8 was a supersonic jet fighter developed in the Soviet Union, intended to replace the MiG-21 (originally named MiG-23). Only two prototypes were built in 1960–61.
前苏联E-8战斗机计划 - 百度百科
E-8是米格-21 的一种改进型,也称Ye-8,尽管设计局证实这种改型是在米格-21PF 基础上改进而成的,但它和其他改型的差别十分明显,除机翼、尾翼和起落架仍保留原来的以外,其余部分都重新设计了。 机腹进气、具有鸭翼的E-8 不像通常人们概念里的米格-21,当年曾有人用 E-8 冒充尚在保密中的歼-10,哄住了不少人 .. 对 E-8 原计划授予一个新代号——米格-23,它装用了一台新发动机——R-21F-300,最大推力 4,700 千牛,加力推力 7,200 千牛,发动机推力加大,加上飞 …
The Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-8; Original MiG-23 - Forgotten Aircraft ...
2022年3月18日 · The MiG Ye-8; the original MiG-23. A remarkably modern looking aircraft even today, the Ye-8 was intended to be a logical improvement on the MiG-21 and utilise a lot of the experience acquired from that aircraft in its design, manufacture and service.
List of Mikoyan and MiG aircraft - Wikipedia
This is a list of aircraft produced by Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG, formerly Mikoyan, a Russian aircraft manufacturer.
Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-8 (Fishbed) / (MiG-23) - Military Factory
2016年5月18日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-8 (Fishbed) / (MiG-23) Interceptor Prototype Aircraft including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
MiG E-8 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
MiG E-8 – radziecki, eksperymentalny myśliwiec będący zmodyfikowaną wersją samolotu MiG-21. Modyfikacje miały zwiększyć możliwości manewrowe maszyny oraz polepszyć warunki funkcjonowania i zasięgu pokładowej stacji radiolokacyjnej. Z dwóch wybudowanych prototypów jeden uległ katastrofie.
E-8/2 by Konrad Konrad - HyperScale
The Soviet E-8 is not only one of the most original experimental planes based on the MiG-21 but one of the most mysterious too. There are discrepancies in Soviet and Russian sources even nowadays.
Mig_21C 免费的3D模型 - .obj - Free3D
免费下载, 3d Mig_21C 模型. 提供obj. 并使用blender创建.
Mikoyan A.I. E-8/1, E8/2, Prop & Jet 7214 (2003) - Scalemates
Prop Jet 模型套件 于比例 1:72, 7214 新模具 发行于 2003 | 内容, 预览, 评测, 历史 + 市场 | Mikoyan-Gurevich Ye-8
Mikojan-Gurewitsch Je-8 – Wikipedia
Die Mikojan-Gurewitsch Je-8 (russisch Микоян-Гуревич Е-8) war ein sowjetischer Jagdflugzeug -Prototyp von 1962. Sie sollte das reguläre Nachfolgemodell der MiG-21 werden, wobei die später für ein anderes Flugzeug verwendete Serienbezeichnung MiG-23 vorgesehen war.