Dracule Mihawk | One Piece Wiki - Fandom
Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk is a world-famous pirate who holds the title "Strongest Swordsman in the World". Formerly one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea (the first revealed and formally introduced) until the group's dissolution, Mihawk has since become one of the founders of Cross Guild, alongside his former Warlord colleague, Sir Crocodile.
乔拉可尔·米霍克,日本漫画《航海王》及其衍生作品中的角色。 人称“鹰眼·米霍克”,被誉为“世界第一大剑豪”。 过去被称作“海兵猎人”。 十字公会 创立者之一。 原 王下七武海 之一,悬赏金35亿9000万贝里。 是罗罗诺亚·佐罗一生的目标。 在 草帽一伙 分散的两年间,接受罗罗诺亚·佐罗的请求,指导他剑术。 世界会议 后,王下七武海制度被废除,后与 克洛克达尔 一同创立了 十字公会。 独自一人居住在 克拉伊咖那岛 的城堡里。 被誉为“世界最强的剑士”,人称“鹰眼”米霍克。 原“ …
喬拉可爾·密佛格 | 航海王wiki | Fandom
密佛格是當今最強海賊之一,擁有無人能比的實力。 一個人就打敗了 克利克 50艘艦隊5000人,使得克利克誤以為他吃了惡魔果實。 目前,所有招式都是從劍術而來,這是他成為七武海中少數只靠技能的。 劇情進行至此,密佛格仍保持着無傷的記錄。 儘管參與了眾多強者聚集的 頂點戰爭,他仍毫髮無傷。 實力可說與四皇並肩。 和他的外號「鷹眼」一樣,他的眼神異常銳利,能夠追蹤魯夫的二檔,並作出精準的破解。 [14] 一把十字架形狀的小刀,密佛格把此刀掛在頸上,在東 …
朱洛基爾·米霍克 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
朱洛基爾·米霍克,是 尾田榮一郎 的 漫畫 作品《ONE PIECE》中的一名角色。 人稱 鷹眼,前任「王下七武海」之一,也是「世界最強劍士」。 在 和之國 篇之後,成為「十字公會」幹部 [5],被誤傳為「巴基速遞」旗下的勢力,但實際上他是「十字公會」的創始人之一 [6]。 名字米霍克(ミホーク)在日語是「老鷹」的意思。 外號原本是「千里眼」。 形象參考自遊戲 真三國無雙 里的武將 張遼 和西方傳說里的 德古拉伯爵。 特徵是黑色短髮,老鷹般銳利的黃色雙瞳,蓄著短鬍,頭 …
Mihawk Technologies
Our soft interception system uses EMP, RF jamming, and AI to neutralize drones and swarms with minimal damage, offering scalable, rapid, and adaptive defense against modern aerial threats. EMP and RF jamming for drone neutralization. AI ensures rapid, adaptive defense. Minimal damage, scalable solution. Countering modern aerial threats.
Hawk Eye | Grand Piece Online Wiki | Fandom
Hawk Eye, also known as Mihawk, is a boss that spawns in Umi Island. Hawk eye spawns every 2 hours and does 62 m1 damage. He sails on his ship, then starts walking towards the center of the island before idling there until attacking any players who is near the island.
One Piece Finally Reveals The Past Of The World's Strongest …
2024年3月2日 · One Piece has finally revealed the past of one of its most intriguing characters, Dracule Mihawk, and it explains his character perfectly. Though Mihawk is infamous as the strongest swordsman in the world in One Piece, little is known about his character beyond his alleged skill and accomplishments. But, this may not be the case for much longer ...
Dracule Mihawk - VS Battles Wiki
Mihawk is famous for being the best swordsman in the world, having displayed master-levels of skill such as deflecting bullets with an absent-minded behavior. He is very calculating and possesses pinpoint accuracy with his strikes, capable of fully stopping Zoro's Oni-giri just by positioning a small blade at the right angle to intercept the ...
10 One Piece Characters Who Can Beat Mihawk, (& 10 Who …
2019年10月20日 · Dracule "Hawk-Eyes" Mihawk is one of the most powerful characters in One Piece. Mihawk made his appearance very early on in the series in the East Blue saga, where he handily defeated Roronoa Zoro with a tiny, knife-like sword before dealing the decisive blow with his main sword, Yoru.
Dracule Mihawk | One Piece Wiki | Fandom
Dracule Mihawk, vulgo Olhos de Gavião [14] é um pirata mundialmente famoso que detém o título de "Espadachim Mais Forte do Mundo".[8] Ele é um dos fundadores da Cross Guild, e foi anteriormente um dos Shichibukai (sendo o primeiro revelado e formalmente apresentado) até a …
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