Greetings - Mihi - Māori Language.net
Greetings – Mihi There are many greetings or mihi used in Māori. Here are some that are commonly used. Kia ora (Greetings, Hello) Kia ora koutou (Greetings, Hello to you – 3 or more …
kōrero (phrases) associated with ngā mihi (greetings and farewells). This resource provides you with opportunities to increase your repertoire of huinga reo – te reo Māori vocabulary. …
Māori greetings and phrases | Māori at Te Herenga Waka | Te …
Learn some Māori phrases to use when meeting people, talking on the phone, or writing letters. Would you like a coffee? He kawhe māu? Would you like a tea? He tī māu? Would you like a …
Mihi and Pepeha – Speeches and Greetings – Hongi NZ
A Mihi is a greeting in Maori. It is a way of saying hello in a casual setting but on formal occasions, such a Powhiri, it must contain something known as a Pepeha or introduction. This …
Mihimihi - MaoriResource
A "mihimihi" is a customary Māori greeting used to introduce yourself, express connections to people and places, and acknowledge your heritage. It is a formal way of greeting and is …
Mihi - introductions, Māori ki Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
It is important to begin and end with an appropriate greeting. At a very basic level, you may begin with: Tēnā koutou katoa (Greetings to you all) and end with: Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā …
Mihi (Māori culture) - Wikipedia
In Māori, a mihi or mihi whakatau is a formal or semi-formal speech or speeches of greeting at a meeting such as a hui. [1] The speech acknowledges those present, and may be accompanied …
Mihi whakatau and mihimihi - Massey University
Mihimihi greetings can be formal or informal, and are usually done at the beginning of any hui or gathering. You can start off with a simple mihimihi and add more to it as your language …
2. Mihi & Pepeha - Pātaka
This week’s kaupapa is the reo and tikanga of mihi and pepeha. Pepeha is the formal and correct way to introduce yourself and allows listeners to create connections with you. Kōrero: Have …
mihi: to greet, acknowledge, thank, pay tribute
He mihi tērā ki te whānau whānui. That is a greeting to the extended family. E tū ki te mihi. Stand up to greet. Mihi atu ki ōu kaumātua. Greet your elders. Kei te mihi te koroua ki ngā manuhiri. …