Milrem Robotics is the world leader in the autonomous unmanned ground vehicles domain. Established in 2013, Milrem has expanded its global footprint to include multiple offices in Estonia and additional offices in Finland, Sweden, Poland, the Netherlands, the UAE, and the USA.
Type-X (unmanned ground vehicle) - Wikipedia
The Type-X is a robotic combat vehicle designed and built by Milrem Robotics. Unveiled in 2020, it is the second UGV to be manufactured by the company after its flagship product THeMIS. [1]
Milrem Robotics - Wikipedia
Milrem Robotics is a United Arab Emirates – Estonian robotic vehicle manufacturer. Their primary products are the THeMIS UGV, the Multiscope UGV and a robotic combat vehicle designated as the Type-X. The company runs subsidiaries in the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Poland and the …
Milrem Robotics Has Selected Texelis as a Strategic Supplier for …
2024年11月21日 · Leveraging Texelis’ technology, Milrem Robotics will utilize its established proficiency in developing unmanned ground vehicles to create a robust, scalable, modular, and mission-flexible RCV platform. The cooperation allows Milrem Robotics to leverage France’s renowned vehicle mobility and engineering expertise.
阿联酋启动世界最大的战斗机器人计划 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年1月30日 · 据Milrem Robotics 称,在 1 月 24 日举行的 2024 年无人系统展览与会议 (UMEX) 上,阿拉伯联合酋长国 (UAE) 签署了一份代表世界上最大的战斗机器人项目的合同,该项目将提供 20 辆履带式机器人战斗车辆 (RCV) 和40辆 THEMIS 无人地面车辆 (UGV)。 阿联酋国防部随后于1月25日签署了有史以来最大的无人机订单,从EDGE防御集团采购200架 HT-100 和 HT-750 无人机,以增强阿联酋的垂直起降 (VTOL)能力。 创纪录的UGV交易进入试验运营阶段.
什么是UVA UVB UVC 和UVV - 百度知道
2017年5月1日 · 2015-05-24 紫外线中的uvc,uvb,uva分别是什么 98 2005-11-17 什么是uva uvb uvc 138 2018-01-09 紫外线中的uvc,uvb,uva分别是什么? 3 2015-08-26 什么是uv,uva、uvb? 8 2013-08-02 uva和uvb是什么? 721 2005-12-03 护肤品上的uva和uvb各指什么? 有什么区别? 240 2013-07-18 uva uvb uvc 的区别 太阳光的光谱结构图 6
Milrem Robotics展示模块化THeMIS Observe战场情报侦察车平台
2022年6月9日 · 作为在欧盟和比利时开展的四项 iMUGS 演示的一部分, Milrem Robitics 祭出了基于其模块化 THeMIS UGV 平台的战场机器人的又一个衍生版本, 它就是侧重于情报、监视与侦查(ISR)的 THeMIS Observe 。 集成模块化无人地面系统(iMUGS)是欧盟开展的一个永久性结构化合作(PESCO)项目,致力于打造欧洲标准化的无人地面系统(EUGS)。 其中的一个关键,就是总部设置在爱沙尼亚的 Milrem Robotics 公司的 THeMIS 模块化机器人系统。 只需更 …
Milrem Robotics: autonomous ground systems innovation
2024年9月18日 · Milrem Robotics is working to advance autonomous ground systems to enhance AI capabilities and integrate unmanned technologies. Over the next decade, the company aims to significantly transform defence and explore new civilian applications, focusing on …
Milrem Robotics THeMIS UGV - EDR Magazine
2022年12月20日 · Developed in the mid-2010s and continuously improved, the THeMIS UGV, the acronym standing for Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System, is a light unmanned tracked autonomous vehicle designed to support infantry operations, …
Milrem Robotics Forges Next-Gen Multi-Domain Robotic Systems
2023年12月11日 · Milrem Robotics and the Ukrainian Defense Industry (UDI) have signed an agreement to start forging next-generation multi-domain robotic defence systems. The agreement, signed during the First Defense Industries Forum (DFNC1) in Kyiv, details several development and manufacturing activities between Milrem Robotics and the members of UDI.