Leica CL - Wikipedia
The Leica CL is a 35mm compact rangefinder camera with interchangeable lenses in the Leica M-mount. It was developed in collaboration with Minolta who manufactured it. It first appeared in April 1973 and was released in the Japanese market in November 1973 as the Leitz Minolta CL. [1]
Leica Minolta CL - CameraQuest
Introduced in 1973 and discontinued only three years later, the Leica CL is the smallest and lightest interchangeable M mount rangefinder. Leica CL mounting 40/2 Summicron with collapsible rubber shade. Note the very conveniently placed shutter dial which can be used without removing your eye from the viewfinder.
Review: The Leitz Minolta CL - davidde.com
2018年11月17日 · If looking for the closest alternative, the 1980 M-mount Minolta CLE does everything a CL does and more. The CLE has aperture-priority autoexposure, uses modern batteries, adds a 28mm frameline, employs standard film loading (swing back door), and has much longer effective baselength for more accurate focusing.
Leica CL Review (The Film Camera) - 35mmc
2016年9月17日 · The Leica CL is an unusual camera for a Leica, mainly because it isn’t a pure bread Leica – in fact it wasn’t even actually made by Leica. The CL is a cross breed, it’s a product of collaboration between German camera manufacturer Leica, and Japanese manufacturer Minolta. The Germans helped design it, but the Japanese made it.
QL17与LEITZ MINOLTA CL——胶片入坑尝试 - 什么值得买
2020年4月8日 · 当今在售的徕卡里也有一台APSC无反被称为CL,但此CL非彼CL。 我手上这台CL是徕卡于1973年设计,和美能达合作生产的,当时共生产了三种型号:Leica CL,Leitz-Minolta CL和Minolta CL,对应的是不同的销售范围和生产时期。
徕卡最小巧的旁轴相机Leica CL 美能达Leitz - i50mm
2025年1月11日 · 尽管leica cl 对焦基线短,对f/1.4光圈镜头精度不够好,也没有m5稳重,取景器也小,但leica cl凭借轻柔的手感、婀娜多姿的身材,最终拔得头筹了。 徕卡cl没有太多徕卡m家族的华丽深邃,更像唐伯虎初入华府,一身老实庶人装扮。 可气的是,还没有遇到秋香,就给人扫地出门了,短短三年就停产了。 如果把cl从做工到精度,全面提升下气质,或许才气不会输给徕卡m。 可事实偏偏是不知哪来的法海,怎地就把徕卡和美能达拆开了。 令人欣慰的是CL短暂的绽 …
35mm Leica CL Film Camera review (Minolta CL)
35mm Leica CL film camera review (also known as the Leica Minolta CL camera). If you are looking for the digital CL see here instead – Digital Leica CL. This article is a comparison of the analogue Leica CL vs Leica M3, Leica CL vs Leica iiia and considers the Voigtlander Bessa R3A camera. YouTube video embedded below. Leica CL (a film Leica CL!)
Vintage Camera Review: Leica CL (Leitz Minolta CL, Minolta CLE)
2017年3月17日 · Scoot over to the top of the Leica CL and what you’ll find are the hot shoe, shutter release, film advance and the film counter. It’s a simple and beautiful camera–much simpler than today ...
酒是陈的香——40年陈酿美能达(MINOLTA)CLE - 原创分享 (新)
2022年10月29日 · 美能达CLE,1980年发布,距今已经42个年头,作为美能达CL的后继机型,俨然作为光学狂魔美能达在M卡口里的集大成者:小巧轻便的机身,帅气拉轰的外观,数字信息化显示的LED取景器 、TTL摆臂测光以及光圈优先模式等等,这些都是在当年锤爆徕卡的功能存在,当然,最终的结局大家都已经看到:美能达相机光学最终GG,而徕卡今天依旧是相机界的旁轴巨头。 我们还是从这台M机里来看一看能否找出一点端倪。 正面:CLE略显方正的造型,轻薄的 …
Leica CL Review - the Smallest M-Mount Rangefinder Defies Comparison
2018年12月10日 · James reviews the Leica CL, the smallest M mount rangefinder camera ever made. Sample photos, practical use, user experience, and more.