Wireless Portable PA - MIPRO
Three innovative models with different sizes: MA-929, MA-828 and MA-727, featuring patented speaker cabinet, excellent sound effects, and intuitional operation. Includes MA-808 flagship and MA-708 luxury portable PA. One-piece cabinet integrated with a retractable handle and wheels for hand carry or pulling. 100 – 170 W power output.
MA-II Series Portable Wireless PA MA-II - MIPRO
The portable wireless PA systems apply MTM two-way loudspeaker systems to greatly expand the sound field, enhance sound pressure level, and present a clear and loud sound quality. The front of the cabinet is fully covered by a speaker grille, the dimensions are close to the aesthetic golden-section ratio for better viewing pleasure.
MA-Series Portable Wireless PA MA-I - MIPRO
One-piece molded cabinet with high efficiency amplifier system that drives the dual speaker system for powerful and clear sound. Retractable handle and rugged wheels make it amazingly easy to transport. It can be hand-carried or installed on a …
MIPRO MA-708 Portable PA System with Bluetooth - Sweetwater
MIPRO MA-708 Portable Wireless PA System Features: 190-watt portable PA system with 8-inch woofer and 1-inch tweeter; Built-in Bluetooth receiver for music streaming; Retractable handle and rugged wheels make it amazingly easy to transport; Voice Priority feature mutes music when a wireless mic is used
MA-708 - Portable PA with Bluetooth - amazon.com
2017年1月9日 · A Fully Portable PA with Built-in Bluetooth Connectivity! Whether you're putting on a musical performance, a key presentation, or just having fun, expect excellence from the MIPRO MA-708 portable wireless PA system. It packs 190 watts of power and a 2-way design that can provide clear, full audio to up to 1,000 people.
Mipro MA708 PA System with Bluetooth - Soundgear Australia
Mipro MA708 PA System delivers unparalleled audio performance and craftsmanship. Designed with versatility in mind, the MA708PA has a built-in retractable handle and sturdy wheels which make transporting a breeze.
MIPRO MA708 拖拉式 無線PA系統 雙麥克風 含CD, USB, 藍芽播放
MIPRO MA708 拖拉式 無線PA系統 雙麥克風 含CD, USB, 藍芽播放 無論是音樂演出、重要演講,還是純粹娛樂,無線便攜式擴音系統都能帶來卓越的表現。 MA-708內建藍牙連接功能,讓您輕鬆在活動中串流音樂。 只需連接您的智慧型手機、平板或其他支援藍牙的音樂播放器,即可進行音樂串流播放。 此外,系統還配備內建的USB/SD卡媒體播放器,讓您也能播放實體媒體上的音樂。 這款便攜式擴音系統內建無線麥克風接收器,並附帶一個手持式無線麥克風。 音樂人深知, …
MIPRO MA-505 流動擴音機 小露寶 (連兩把無線咪) PA SPEAKER
一體成型音箱造型,內建高效率放大器,驅動雙音路喇叭系統,輸出最清晰強勁的音量。 結構堅固輕巧的機箱,便於手提或固定裝置。 另有腳架座可架設在三腳架上。 具有廣播優先功能(VOP),讓麥克風擴音時音樂自動靜音,且可提供麥克風迴音效果(ECHO)。 有線、無線麥克風及播音模組可同時混合擴音。 具外接喇叭插座,可搭配MA-505EXP被動式喇叭。 可加裝無線中繼發射器,搭配MA-505AXP主動式喇叭,擴充傳輸範圍。 首創隱藏主動式雙天線,提升接收 …
Miniature Portable PA MA-300 - MIPRO
Easy hand-carrying or stand-mounting makes MA-300 the most ideal megaphone for various applications. MA-300: One UHF or ISM 5.8 GHz band receiver module for long-distance and reliable reception performance. MA-300D: Two UHF or ISM 5.8 GHz band receiver module for long-distance and reliable reception performance.
MIPRO | Sweetwater
MIPRO is one of Taiwan's largest manufacturers of wireless microphone and portable wireless PA systems. MIPRO has a history dating back to 1995, when K. C. Chang, one of the world's premier radio frequency and audio engineers, struck out into the wireless market.