Looking for the new Miss Sweetie Poo - improbable.com
2024年6月27日 · We are looking for a new Miss Sweetie Poo, for this year’s Ig Nobel Prize ceremony. The 34th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize ceremony will happen on Thursday evening, September 12, 2024, at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Miss Sweetie Poo is our time enforcer — she helps the speakers keep their speeches brief and delightful.
Improbable Research Collection #129: The Best of Miss Sweetie Poo
2010年7月26日 · The organizers of the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony solved an ancient problem: How to keep speeches from droning on and on... The solution, called "Miss Sweetie Po...
Miss Sweetie Poo, the next generation - improbable
2009年8月28日 · On October 1, 2009, Natasha’s legacy will grow, as yet another new, eight-year-old omnipotent Miss Sweetie Poo will take the Ig Nobel stage at Sanders Theatre. The photo below shows Natasha helping 2000 Ig Nobel medicine prize winner Pek Van Andel finish up his one-minute-long acceptance speech.
人間は8歳の少女に罵られるのが一番傷つく?「イグノーベル賞 …
2018年9月26日 · なんとそれは、「ミス・スウィーティー・プー」(Miss Sweetie Poo)と呼ばれる8歳の少女。 受賞者のスピーチが60秒過ぎると歩み寄ってきて、「もうやめて!
第25届搞笑诺贝尔奖颁布,速来围观科学史上最伟大的时刻|界面新 …
2015年9月21日 · 典礼的一个特色是会有一个8岁的小女孩来担任计时员,负责严格执行演讲不得超过60秒的规定,她被称为Miss Sweetie-Poo。 如果有人絮絮叨叨超时,激萌的Miss Sweetie-Poo就会走上舞台,大声重复“请停下!
第28届搞笑诺贝尔奖 - 百度百科
获奖感言仅限于60秒时间,年仅八岁的Miss Sweetie-Poo(喷翔妹子)是搞笑诺贝尔奖的计时员,超出时间限制的话,她就会不断重复“请停止,我感到无聊了”来中断获奖宣言。
The Greatest Hits of Weird Science - Slate Magazine
2012年9月12日 · We call her Miss Sweetie Poo. Miss Sweetie Poo is an exceptionally cute 8-year-old girl. She ensures that every acceptance speech will be at most 60 seconds long. At the start of the ceremony,...
Tag: Miss Sweetie Poo - improbable
Miss Sweetie Poo is a fictional character — a role played in the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony — but that role is played by a real eight-year-old girl. A blog commenter called ‘Shulamuth,’ familiar with Miss SP only from radio broadcasts, had understandably (given the rigorous selection process used to find each new Miss Sweetie […]
科学何必一本正经!搞笑诺贝尔奖脑洞大破天~ - 搜狐
2018年10月20日 · 整个典礼过程中充满着各种幽默搞笑的段子和环节,包括所谓的甜普小姐(Miss Sweetie Poo),这是一位小女孩。 当上台发表演讲的人超过1分钟,甜普小姐就会大声喊道:“停下来吧!
2015年9月20日 · 整个典礼过程中充满着各种幽默搞笑的段子和环节,包括所谓的甜普小姐(Miss Sweetie Poo),这是一位小女孩。 当上台发表演讲的人超出预定时间,甜普小姐就会大声喊道:“停下来吧!