CR-10 SE | FFF机型 | 创想三维 - 创想云-3D打印模型库 ...
CR-10 SE 打印机,精准全自动调平,超快打印速度,匠心独运,打造精品。 内置WiFi机型,通过 【创想云App-工作台】 添加设备后,即可实现云端打印、远程控制。 CR-10 SE 打印机,精 …
CR10是什么意思? - 百度知道
2024年8月6日 · cr10,全称为"十大企业集中度比例",在经济领域中,它用来衡量一个行业内最大十家企业总产出与行业总产出的相对规模。 这个指标通过对行业前十大企业的产出份额进行加总,然后除以整个行业
for whoever had the cr 10 as their first 3d printer ever : r/CR10
2020年7月24日 · If your goal is to learn about printers, how they work, and what to fix when things don't go as planned then get the cr10. It needs some upgrades to get great results. However the the cr10 v3 looks like a much better deal, all the upgrades I've gotten for the cr10 i could have got the v3 for cheaper and at a better price.
r/CR10 on Reddit: Anyone else still using their stock CR-10 (circa …
I think that has more to do with expectations going in. 3D printing is hit or miss. Things fail (especially when you're new), and you have to troubleshoot, tweak, and try again. But in my experience, almost all of my failed prints over the years can be traced back to errors made before the print (bad slicer settings, poor orientation, poorly ...
Simple Creality CR-10 Mini Review – Worth Buying or Not?
2020年8月2日 · Simple Creality CR-10 Mini Review – Worth Buying or Not? Whether you are a beginner or own several 3D printers, the CR-10 Mini should definitely be something you should consider when adding a 3D printer to your home.
有关竞争格局,CR1、CR2、CR3、CR4、CR5,以及CR10代表的意 …
其中,CR是英文concentration rate的缩写,意思是“集中度”。 n代表数目。 CRn是指在某一个行业中,市场占有率排名前n家的公司的市场占有率之和。 这项指标常常用来衡量和判断一个市场的竞争程度。 如果一个行业的CR3=80%,说明这是一个高度垄断和集中化的市场。 行业巨头把持住了整个行业资源。 这种现象出现的原因可能是先发优势,行业的特质是具有大量资金、人力、技术等竞争壁垒。 在此情况下,如果某一家巨头计划进一步扩大市占率,应该在产业链上下游做文 …
CR-10 gen1 and CR Touch : r/CR10 - Reddit
2021年12月16日 · Going "off-brand" with a BTT SKR board means you'll have to make your own firmware, which can be a bit of a pain if you're not familiar. From what I understand, you can upgrade to a 4.2.7 board and use the CR touch with that.
CR-10 Smart - 创想三维(CREALITY)
CR-10 Smart 3D打印机,智造体验,性能突破,超跑设计,3D打印新体验! 创新智控打印模式,WIFI无线/RJ45有线两种联网方式;全视角屏幕,全新UI界面,支持多国语言灵敏触控;出众的静音效果,定制低噪音电源告别打印噪音;升级版自动调平,首次调平后无需再次调平;屏幕保护,打印完成自动关机。 创想三维(Creality)是全球3D打印机领导品牌,国家高新技术企业,国家级专精特新“小巨人“,专注于3D打印机的研发和生产,产品覆盖“ 熔融沉积成型 和光固化”。 …
CR-10 Smart 3D Printer - Creality Official
Creality CR-10 Smart 3D Printer Intelligent auto-leveling, WiFi-enabled, supercar design, modular build, and ultra-silent operation for effortless printing.
Misse Cr10 or Ronaldo Cr7 - YouTube
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