Miya Chinen - SK8 the Infinity Wiki
Miya Chinen (知 (ち) 念 (ねん) 実也 (みや) , Chinen Miya?) is a character in the SK8 the Infinity anime series. He is an elite middle school student and a candidate for Japan's national team who has the ability to perform difficult tricks without difficulty.
知念实也 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
知念实也 (日语: ちねん みや(罗马字:Chinen Miya))是原创动画《SK∞》及其衍生作品的登场角色。 初中一年级便成为滑板的日本代表队候选人。 能轻松完成高难度动作,实力超强。 性格高傲,喜欢打游戏。 代表色是荧光绿。 曾经与发小小隆一起滑滑板,在实也得奖之后,小隆等人不再与实也来往,并对实也说“勇者大人和史莱姆是组不了队的”。 受爱抱梦之托与兰加进行比赛,筹码是:赢了的话历做实也的狗,输了让实也做猫做狗随兰加喜欢。 然后就输掉了,但同 …
Miya Chinen (SK∞) - MyAnimeList.net
Miya is an elite middle school student as well as a candidate for Japan's national team. Although he can be arrogant at times, he is seen as a carefree boy. At a young age he was interested in skating, however he began to not enjoy it as much when his friends left him. This leads to his fear of abandonment.
Miya Chinen/Relationships | SK8 the Infinity Wiki | Fandom
Reki and Miya had a rocky start with lots of mutual hostility at first where Miya refers to Reki as 'Slime', displaying his obvious scorn and deeming him an unworthy opponent. After the loss against Langa Hasegawa, Reki befriends him, assuring that …
Miya Chinen/Gallery | SK8 the Infinity Wiki | Fandom
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CHARACTER | SK8 the Infinity Official USA Website
Skate x Battle = Infinite Youth! Original anime by an all-star cast!! Coming January 2021!
Miya CHINEN - Anime-Planet
Miya Chinen is a character from the anime series SK8 the Infinity.
Chinen Miya - SK8 the Infinity - Zerochan Anime Image Board
Zerochan has 42 Chinen Miya anime images, fanart, screenshots, and many more in its gallery. Chinen Miya is a character from SK8 the Infinity.
#小米塔 小さなミタ的热门插图和漫画 - PixiBloom - Pixiv国内镜像站
#小米塔 小さなミタ的热门插图和漫画。与小米塔 小さなミタ相关的标签还有#小米塔、#小さなミタ、#MiSide、#米塔、#mita、#miside、#MiSide(米塔)、#ミサイド等。 - PixiBloom - Pixiv国内镜像站
Chinen Miya - Character (115691) - AniDB
2021年2月23日 · Looking for information about Chinen Miya - Character (115691)? AniDB is the right place for you. AniDB is a not-for-profit anime database providing y...