Audio Transistors | MJE15034 - onsemi
The Bipolar Power Transistor is designed for use as a high-frequency driver in audio amplifiers. Product services, tools and other useful resources related to MJE15034. If you wish to buy …
Audio Transistors | MJE15034 - onsemi.cn
该双极功率晶体管适合用作音频放大器中的高频驱动器。 Product services, tools and other useful resources related to MJE15034. 如需购买产品或样品,请先登录您的安森美账号。 Loading...
MJE15034G onsemi | Mouser
2025年3月22日 · MJE15034G onsemi Bipolar Transistors - BJT 4A 350V 50W NPN datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
Complementary silicon plastic power transistors are designed for use as high−frequency drivers in audio amplifiers. Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected.
MJE15034G_onsemi (安森美)_MJE15034G中文资料_PDF手册_价 …
该双极功率晶体管适合用作音频放大器中的高频驱动器。 MJE15034G由onsemi (安森美)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 MJE15034G价格参考¥4.36。 onsemi (安森美) MJE15034G参数名称:晶体管类型:NPN;集电极电流 (Ic):4A;集射极击穿电压 (Vceo):350V;耗散功率 (Pd):50W;直流电流增益 (hFE):[email protected],5.0V;特征频率 (fT):30MHz;集电极截止电流 (Icbo):10uA;集射极饱和电压 (VCE (sat)):500mV;工作温度:-65℃~+150℃。 下 …
MJE15034 onsemi | Mouser
2025年3月22日 · MJE15034 onsemi Bipolar Transistors - BJT 4A 350V 50W NPN datasheet, inventory, & pricing.
MJE15034 Datasheet (PDF) - ON Semiconductor
Part #: MJE15034. Download. File Size: 64Kbytes. Page: 6 Pages. Description: 4.0 AMPERES POWER TRANSISTORS COMPLEMENTARY SILICON 350 VOLTS 50 WATTS. Manufacturer: ON Semiconductor.
MJE15034 onsemi | 分立半导体产品 | DigiKey
来自 onsemi 的 MJE15034 – 晶体管 - 双极 (BJT) - 单 NPN 350 V 4 A 30MHz 2 W 通孔 TO-220。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
MJE15034 onsemi | Mouser - 贸泽
MJE15034 onsemi 双极晶体管 - 双极结型晶体管(BJT) 4A 350V 50W NPN 数据表, 库存, 价格.
MJE15034 NPN, MJE15035 PNP Complementary Silicon Plastic Power Transistors TO−220, NPN & PNP Devices Complementary silicon plastic power transistors are designed for use as high−frequency drivers in audio amplifiers.