CAT-UXO - Mk 339 fuze
This is the American Mk 339, a Mechanical-Time-Fuze (MTF), spring-driven clockwork, nose fuze designed to be a universal fuze for canister or cluster-bomb type weapons that are delivered from high-performance aircraft.
JSY-MK-339 三相电压电流采集器产品手册(LORA)V1.0-FLBOOK
该检测仪技术性能完全符合IEC 62053-21国标标准中1级三相有功电能表的相关技术要求,能直接精确地测量额定频率为50Hz或60Hz三相交流电网中的电压、电流、功率、功率因数、电量及总量等电参数。 该采集器内置、带1路LORA WAN通讯、RS485通讯接口、MODBUS-RTU通讯协议方便与各种AMR系统连接,具有可靠性好、功耗低,体积小、重量轻、外形美观、安装方便等特点。 其他信息:《JSY-MK-339 三相电压电流采集器产品手册(LORA)V1.0》电子宣传画册作品 …
MK339 Eyeglasses Frames by Michael Kors
Michael Kors MK339 eyeglass frame features a trendy rectangle shape, which helps to balance rounded face features. Frame shape is the most noticeable feature of a pair of glasses, followed by frame colors and frame size.
Munition, fuze, MK 339 | Fenix Insight
The MK 339 are a series of US Navy (USN) developed mechanical time (MT) fuzes, of which two are known: the MK 339 MOD 0 and the MK 339 MOD 1. The MK 339 series were developed as a universal fuze for canister- or cluster-type munitions. They are now used on the MK 20, CBU-99 and CBU-100 series of munitions.
KUROMI 酷洛米 指針式手錶 日本限定 附彩盒 Sanrio mk339
2011年11月18日 · KUROMI 酷洛米 指針式手錶 日本限定 附彩盒 Sanrio mk339 | KUROMI 酷洛米 指針式手錶 日本限定 附彩盒 Sanrio
JSY-MK-339 三相电压电流采集器|本地电能采集模块 - 电流计量模 …
该测试仪技术性能完全符合IEC 62053-21国标标准中1级三相有功电能表的相关技术要求,能直接精确地测量额定频率为50HZ或60HZ三相交流电网中的电压、电流、功率、功率因数、电量及总量等电参数。 该检测仪内置4G通讯模组、带1路RS485通讯接口,点阵液晶显示,MODBUS-RTU通讯协议方便与各种AMR系统联接,具有可靠性好、体积小、重量轻、外形美观、安装方便等特点。 1. 三相交流输入. 1)电压量程:100V、220V、380V等可选; 2)电流量程: 5A、20A、50A …
Mk 339 Mod 1 Mechanical Time Fuze - 14313_45 - tpub.com
The Mk 7 Mods 3, 4, and 6 bomb dispensers have the Mk 339 Mod 1 fuze, which provides the pilot with in-flight selection of the fuze function time. The Mk 7 Mod 4 bomb dispenser differs from the Mk 7 Mod 3 by modifying the dispenser and giving interface capabilities with a …
Physical Description - Page 4 - tpub.com
The Mk 339 Mod 1 fuze is similar to the Mod 0 fuze. Several improvements are discussed in the following paragraphs. The primary and option functioning delays are preset during assembly at the factory for both the Mod 0 and Mod 1 fuzes. The fuzes are preset at 1.2 seconds for primary delay, and the option delay is preset at 4.0 seconds.
MK-339 three-phase voltage and current collector is a three-phase power quality detection device with completely independent intellectual property rights developed by our company using microelectronics technology and special large-scale integrated circuits, and applying advanced technologies such as digital sampling processing technology and SMT...
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