Mark 82 bomb - Wikipedia
The Mark 82 is a 500-pound (230 kg) unguided, low- drag general-purpose bomb, part of the United States Mark 80 series. The explosive filling is usually tritonal, though other compositions have sometimes been used. A B-2 Spirit dropping Mk82 bombs into the Pacific Ocean in a 1994 training exercise off Point Mugu, California.
Mark 82炸彈 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
Mark 82炸彈 (英文:Mark 82,Mk 82)是一種 無導引 、低阻力的 通用炸彈 (英語:General-purpose bomb),屬於 美國 Mk 80系列炸彈。 爆炸填充物通常是三合一的,但有時也添加了其他成分。 與該炸彈一起使用的錐形翼片用以調節炸彈飛行穩定性,防止炸彈在空中翻滾;與Mk 82和Mk 83 LDGP炸彈配套使用的蛇眼鰭組件則用於防止在高速低空投放炸彈的時候,飛機被彈片波及 [2]。 ^ Air Force Munitions Acquisition Costs. About.comUS Military. [2013-09-22]. (原始內 …
Mk 82 Aircraft Bomb - GICHD
In its simplest configuration, the standard Mk 82 bomb contains 87-89 kg of high-explosives, in a forged steel body weighing 140-142 kg (Glass et al., 1997; Ordtech, 2016). It is this steel body that produces the primary fragmentation for the bomb.
Mk-82“蛇眼”500磅非制导常规炸弹是美国Mk-80系列炸弹的一种。 Mk-80系列是由战斗机外挂携带的低空投放的炸弹。 和二战时的Mk-50系列不同的是该弹已经不再是由 轰炸机 的内部弹舱所携带。 研制背景. Mk 82炸弹现由分布世界各国的17间工厂生产,但只有通用动力(General Dynamics)公司位于德州(Texas)花环(Garland)市的工厂获得 美国国防部 的认证,其生产的炸弹可以运交美军使用。 Mk 82正在进行小部分的重新设计,以符合国会要求的非敏感性弹 …
Mk 82 Aircraft Bomb - CAT-UXO
This is the American 500lb Mk-82, a High-Explosive (HE-Frag) Low-Drag-General-Purpose (LDGP), unguided-bomb, part of the Mk-80 series which can be fitted either with a standard tail-unit or high-drag Tail-Retarding-Device (TRD) Snakeye unit for low-level attack or as the warhead for a Laser-Guided-Bomb (LGB) assembly, the warhead for a TV-Guided...
Mk82SE型 500磅阻力炸彈-eTaiwan|痞客邦
May 28, 2009 · Photos by eairforce Mk82SE型 500磅阻力炸彈性能簡介: 彈長:227.3 公分 彈徑:27.3 公分 翼長:36.5 公分 全重:254.6 公斤 裝藥:87
The Mk 82 500-lb General Purpose (GP) is a high explosive bomb which can be configured in either a low drag, high drag, laser guided or shallow water mode depending upon the operational requirement. The store can be fitted with different fuzes such as M904 nose fuze, M905 tail fuze for initiation of detonation.
Mk82SE型 蛇眼式500磅阻力炸彈 @ eWeapon e武器 :: 痞客邦
Apr 9, 2009 · © SHYANG WAY INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION CO., LTD. Mk82SE型「蛇眼」式500磅阻力炸彈曾於越戰中被廣泛使用,具有極佳的實戰經驗。
Mk82SE型 500磅阻力炸彈-eWarbirds e戰鳥|痞客邦
May 28, 2009 · Photo by eairforce Mk82SE型 500磅阻力炸彈性能簡介: 彈長:227.3 公分 彈徑:27.3 公分 翼長:36.5 公分 全重:254.6 公斤 裝藥:8
MK82 - Dumb Bombs - GlobalSecurity.org
Jun 12, 2017 · The MK-82 is a free-fall, nonguided general purpose [GP] 500-pound bomb. The bomb is usually equipped with the mechanical M904 (nose) and M905 (tail) fuzes or the radar-proximity FMU-113 air-burst...
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