ADC各大毒素如何选择?IC50、作用机制、临床管线(附全景布局 …
2023年6月28日 · 与微管抑制剂中观察到的纳摩尔ic50(半数最大抑制浓度)范围相比,dna损伤剂的ic50值能够达到皮摩尔水平,因此与dna损伤剂结合的adc有时更有效,并且可能独立于细胞周期(与主要作用于有丝分裂期的微管蛋白抑制剂相比),它们甚至可能用于那些抗原表达低 ...
Antitumor effect of antitissue factor antibody-MMAE conjugate …
2015年9月15日 · The half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50 ) of MMAE was approximately 1 nM for all of the cell lines used. Meanwhile, the IC50 of anti-human ADC was 1.15 nM in the cell lines showing high TF expression, while exceeding …
IC 50 values of MMAE, anti-human ADC and anti-mouse ADC …
MMAE, a microtubule inhibitor, the IC 50 values range from 0.23 to 1.16 nM for several cancer cell lines (33, 34). DXd, a DNA topoisomerase I inhibitor, is cytotoxic to human cancer cell lines...
MMAE——ADC的“团宠”毒素 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年11月9日 · 缔码生物开发了适合ADC ELISA 测定的anti-MMAE抗体,它可用于定量测定测试样品中anti-MMAE-缀合物的水平, 可用于PK检测以及DAR值分析,加速ADC药物的研发进程。
深入解析ADC连接子vcMMAE的作用机制与优势 - 知乎
Aurisatin E通过抑制癌细胞微管聚合,阻碍有丝分裂 [5],对几乎所有的细胞系均具有广泛的抗增殖效果(平均IC50 = 3.2 ± 0.51 nM, 暴露1 h) [6],效果远优于同为抗有丝分裂剂的vinblastine和doxorubicin [6]。 为方便将AE引入ADC中,其C端的二甲氨基改为甲氨基,即MMAE,可方便地与PABC间隔子进行化学连接,构成vcMMAE的连接子-载荷组合(图2)。 vcMMAE的临床效果及应用.
Effects of microtubule-inhibiting small molecule and antibody …
2020年1月22日 · The MMAE GR50 values were nearly identical, with a spheroid GR50 of 320 pM MMAE and monolayer GR50 of 291 pM MMAE. Conversely, calculated GR50 and IC50 values for 033-F treated spheroids...
ADC有效载荷(Payload)的发展及其药代动力学考量 - 知乎
PNU-159682是奈莫柔比星(Nemorubicin)的肝脏代谢物,可抑制DNA拓扑异构酶II,其效力比奈莫柔比星高三个数量级,IC50为20–100 pM,同时PNU-159682也不是外排转运蛋白的底物[5d]。
Tumor cell stratification based on MMAE responses IC50 (pM)
Strikingly, we found that the strong responders to the ADC in vivo also had high MMAE sensitivity in in vitro cell viability assays (IC 50 <1 nM) ( Table 2). In contrast, the moderate in vivo...
Monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE), a payload for multiple
It is known that MMAE is released from the ADC following binding, internalisation and proteolytic degradation in target tissues. A striking discrepancy in systemic MMAE levels has been observed across species with 50-fold higher MMAE levels in human than that in rodents when normalised by ADC dose with unknown mechanism.
Monomethyl auristatin antibody and peptide drug conjugates for …
2022年7月5日 · In this work, we report a trimodal precision cytotoxic chemo-radio-immunotherapy paradigm using spatially targeted auristatin warheads. Tumor-directed antibodies and peptides conjugated to...