MMHC-APPOINTMENTS – Mohave Mental Health Clinic, Inc.
If you’re experiencing a behavioral health crisis call: (888)757-8111 24/7 and you will be connected with a crisis counselor.
Mohave Mental Health Clinic, Inc. – in Bullhead City, Kingman and …
AHCCCS-Eligible Members: The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency designation is ending soon. Make sure your AHCCCS benefits don’t end by confirming your continuing eligibility, either with your health plan or AHCCCS:
Career Opportunities – Mohave Mental Health Clinic, Inc.
If you’re experiencing a behavioral health crisis call: (888)757-8111 24/7 and you will be connected with a crisis counselor.
Crisis Services – Mohave Mental Health Clinic, Inc.
© 2015, 2023 Mohave Mental Health Clinics, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Contact – Mohave Mental Health Clinic, Inc.
Email us below or click the “locations” graphic to the right for phone numbers, addresses and directions to our area offices. If you’re experiencing a behavioral health crisis call: (888)757-8111 24/7 and you’ll be connected with a crisis counselor.
Relocation – Mohave Mental Health Clinic, Inc.
Mohave Mental Health Clinic, Inc. is located in Mohave County, Arizona, geographically the fourth largest county in the United States! Our outpatient clinics are located in the three largest population centers in the County: Kingman, Bullhead City, and Lake Havasu City.
A p p l e i O S D e v i c e s “P e rso n a l Ho t sp o t ” o n yo u r i P h o n e ca n p ro vi d e i n t e rn e t a cce ss t o o t h e r d e vi ce s si g n e d i n t o yo u r
Executive Leadership – Mohave Mental Health Clinic, Inc.
Dawn is a Midwestern girl, originally from South Bend, Indiana and a life-long Notre Dame fan. She received her Master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Arizona and left her position at Sierra Tucson as a counseling supervisor to join MMHC in 1993.
Services – Mohave Mental Health Clinic, Inc.
Mohave Mental Health Clinic, Inc. is a community-oriented, comprehensive behavioral health and support service spectrum within Mohave County. Services are provided in the least restrictive settings possible, with an emphasis on individualized and recovery-oriented care.
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