MN80 Mn-Zn Power Ferrite MN80 is especially suited for applications in high density power systems where low power losses are required. It has lowest losses at ambient temperatures of 110°C and can operate up to 1 MHz. Typical Properties Initial Permeability 2050 Maximum Permeability 5000 Saturation Flux Density 4900 Gauss Remanent Flux Density ...
1.3401(Mn80)钢板介绍 - 百家号
2024年3月18日 · 1.3401钢板(Mn80/X120MN12)是一种高耐磨高强度材料,广泛应用于采矿、建筑和GF等领域。 其耐磨特性可延长设备寿命,减少维修成本,适用于破碎机、球磨机、耐磨板、耐磨地坪和坦克履带等。 随着科技进步,其在工业发展中的作用将更加重要。 1.3401钢板即Mn80也叫X120MN12,是一种高耐磨高强度的材质。 正是因为1.3401钢板拥有如此出色的耐磨和高强度特性,它在许多工业领域中都得到了广泛应用。 从采矿业的破碎机、球磨机,到建筑 …
Manganese Zinc Ferrite Materials (µi 450 – 15000)
Usually characterized by permeabilities (µ) > 1000 and saturation (Bsat) to 5300 Gauss. Typical applications include power, shielding and linear inductive components. These materials are generally used at frequencies < 10 MHz and in pulse applications into the nanosecond range and temperature range to > 200 °C. Curie Temp. (Tc) call for info.
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Mn-Zn Ferrite - TDK
(2/24) 20220510 / ferrite_mn-zn_material_characteristics_en.fm FERRITES Please be sure to read this manual thoroughly before using the products. The products listed on this catalog are intended for use in general electronic equipment (AV equipment, telecommunications equipment,
80级锰钢是什么钢材 - 百度知道
g80锰钢是一种高强度的抗磨钢,主要用于需要承受冲击、挤压、物料磨损等恶劣工况条件。 锰钢破坏形式以磨损消耗为主,部分断裂、变形。 磨损分为三种:金属构件表面间相互接触并运动的摩擦磨损;其它金属或非金属物料打击金属表面的磨料磨损和流动气体或液体与金属接触导致的冲蚀磨损。 耐磨钢的耐磨性能取决于材料本身,而抗磨钢则在不同的工况条件下表现出不同的耐磨性,材料本身和工况条件两者才能决定其耐磨性能。 含量80%锰的是高锰钢。 别名锰合金钢,是一 …
- Mn80/Fe20产品清单 - Goodfellow(顾特服)
Manganese/Iron Sputtering Target 7.00000mm Mn80/Fe20 23.00000mm . 厚度: 7.00000mm
80 Material Data Sheet - Fair-Rite
Our newest material, this high frequency MnZn ferrite is ideal for power applications operating between 1 MHz and 5 MHz. **** Characteristic curves are measured on standard Toroids (18/10/6 mm) at 25°C and 10 kHz unless otherwise indicated. Impedance characteristics are measured on standard shield beads (3.5/1.3/6.0 mm) unless otherwise indicated.
Manganese Tablet - LANDE
Mn75, Mn80, AlMn80. Manganese Tablet 1. Apply to the Mn element addition of aluminum and other alloys, replacing Al-Mn master alloys. 2. gray tablet; 500g/tablet, 20kg/carton. Brand : Zhenshui: Company: Lande Manufacturer:
M80 Rádio - M80
M80 Rádio - M80 ... Homepage
MN80NV 1080P Full HD IR Night Vision Camcorder - Minolta Digital
Minolta’s MN80NV 1080p night vision camcorder captures videos and pictures, day or night. With 24.0 MP max resolution, 1080P Full HD video resolution, 16x digital zoom and anti-shake image stabilization provide superb images.