Pressure‐induced phase transition in MnCO3 and its implications on the ...
2015年5月12日 · Here we combine new in situ synchrotron midinfrared (IR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements collected at high pressure and room temperature with first-principles calculations to resolve the high-pressure behavior of MnCO 3 up to 62 GPa.
A high-pressure infrared and X-ray study of FeCO3 and MnCO3: …
2004年6月15日 · We have measured the infrared spectra of two carbonates, FeCO 3 -siderite and MnCO 3 -rhodochrosite to pressures of 50 GPa at 300 K, and taken X-ray diffraction patterns of these phases before and after in-situ laser heating at pressures to 47 GPa.
FTIR spectra of MnCO 3 superstructures synthesized for (a) 1 day, …
Herein, hierarchical superstructures of MnCO 3 and MnCO 3-rGO hybrid nanocomposites with controlled morphologies, such as cube, spherical, dumbbell, and oval, were synthesized via an...
Theoretical IR spectrum of MnCO3.H2O. - ResearchGate
The MnCO3.H2O, CoCO3.4H2O, ZnCO3, and CdCO3, respectively, were synthesized through a new precise, easy pathway for the reaction of MnI2, CoI2, ZnI2, or CdI2 aqueous solutions with a cheap ...
Infrared Spectroscopy and Structures of Manganese Carbonyl Cations…
2010年5月1日 · In the present study, we use new IR spectroscopy methods to study manganese carbonyl cations in the gas phase. The bonding in transition-metal carbonyls is usually described with the Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson (DCD) complexation model [1, 7, 8, 10, 11].
Heat treatment of MnCO3: An easy way to obtain ... - ScienceDirect
2019年1月1日 · It proposed an easy way to design stable and efficient MnO 2 for humid O 3 removal. Deliberate characterizations were performed to clarify the underlying mechanism. The as-prepared MnO 2 was superior to the commercial O 3 scrubber and α-MnO 2. It provides insights into rational design of active O 3 decomposition catalysts.
The high-pressure behavior of MnCO3 has been studied by in situ XRD and IR spectroscopy up to 62 GPa and 50 GPa, respectively. Evidence for structural changes are observed above ~35 GPa, where we found that MnCO3 adopts a CaCO3-VI type triclinic structure.
Representative Raman spectra of MnCO 3 as a function of …
The spectra below 16 GPa (black lines in online version), between 16 and 28 GPa (olive lines in online version) and above 28 GPa (red lines in online version) stand for MnCO 3-I, coexisting phase...
Preparation of carbon-coated MnCO3@MnO2 hierarchical hollow ...
2021年11月1日 · In this study, carbon-coated MnCO 3 @MnO 2 (MnCO 3 @MnO 2 @C) hierarchical hollow nanostructures were successfully designed and fabricated via a continuous redox reaction of potassium permanganate (KMnO 4) and manganese carbonate (MnCO 3) on the basis of Kirkendall effect.
Hydrothermal synthesis of MnCO3 thin film and its conversion to …
2023年11月3日 · In the present study, we report the deposition of MnCO 3 thin films via facile and economical hydrothermal method under mild conditions in which only manganese sulfate and urea were used as reactants and investigate the effects of post-deposition annealing atmospheres on the conversion of these films to different phases of Mn-oxides using severa...