Games - MoMA
A decade ago, MoMA acquired 14 video games—and kicked off a new era for the collection. Today there are 36, and many are in the exhibition Never Alone.
List of video games in the Museum of Modern Art - Wikipedia
A number of video games were selected by the Museum of Modern Art, located in New York City, as part of its permanent collection. These games were chosen by the Museum of Modern Art in order to showcase design elements within them. [1]
Never Alone: Video Games and Other Interactive Design | MoMA
2022年9月10日 · Games range from global staples such as Tetris and Pac-Man, to immersive explorations of the natural world, like Flower, or records of indigenous traditions and culture, like Never Alone, to forays into the absurd like Everything Is Going to Be OK. These works remind us that while the digital realm has different, and often untested, rules of ...
When Video Games Came to the Museum | Magazine | MoMA
2012年11月29日 · We are very proud to announce that MoMA has acquired a selection of 14 video games, the seedbed for an initial wish list of about 40 to be acquired in the near future, as well as for a new category of artworks in MoMA’s collection that we hope will grow in the future.
现代艺术博物馆电子游戏馆藏列表 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
一些电子游戏作品因为其独特或具有影响力的设计元素,而被位于美国 纽约的现代艺术博物馆(英语: Museum of Modern Art ,缩写为MoMA)选为永久馆藏;自2012年11月MoMA公布首波14款纳入馆藏的电子游戏名单起,已经有超过20款作品以及1款电子游戏机获得收录。
Video Games at MoMA: Do They Belong There? - The New York Times
2023年7月13日 · On the first floor, old computer monitors cantilevered above visitors are drawn from the museum’s collection of video games. Eleven are playable; 35 games in all are viewable.
MOMA: Games & Art
PARTICIPATE in an experimental community arts project of global proportions. DISCOVER the fictional Island of Fafifi, it's world famous Museum and the Airline that takes you there. Use PLAYFUL CREATIVITY to explore progressive social, political and environmental perspectives. 4 So what about Game Theory? Fly Air Fafifi now operates Boeing 737s!
MoMA展览“永不孤独”:电子游戏是否能够抵达“平等世界”? - 展 …
2022年12月12日 · 对于那些需要长时间和互动才能充分欣赏的游戏,MoMA将与程序员和设计师合作,使观众能够在有限的时间内亲身体验游戏;当游戏太过复杂耗时而无法在展厅中以互动方式体验时,MoMA会制作一个演示视频,阐述游戏的概念和人物;对于原始卡带佚失的老游戏 ...
Video games invade the art world in MoMA’s - Ars Technica
2022年11月2日 · Outside the gallery space, a screen worthy of Times Square flashes between the 36 video games in MoMA’s new exhibition Never Alone: Video Games as Interactive Design. Paola Antonelli, senior...
MOMA Game - MOMA: Games & Art - Museum of Moving Art
The MOMA Game is a hybrid-game in that it has several inter-related iterations (or current versions). Also, it manifests as blends of a variety of traditional game-playing forms (such as table top role playing board games, online flight simulation scenarios, live action RPG, etc).