Fixed: Getting different results in Exclusive Mode (Windows 11) on ...
2022年12月4日 · Edit - Adding screenshots. If I close Tidal app and open Qobuz app, Exclusive Mode works as expected. Close Qobuz app and open Tidal app and I get the results described …
Marantz SR6015 going in protection mode (Solved)
2021年2月11日 · I am facing a weird issue with my AVR Marantz SR6015 that goes in protection mode randomly. It always powers up and operates correctly up to random and sudden loud …
Disaple Pinch in Kiosk Mode - moodeaudio.org
2024年9月20日 · Would it be possible to add the ability to disable pinch and zooom on the local display. I have a screen that seems very sensitive to touches and constantly zooms in when …
Roon + Tidal in exclusive mode vs. Spotify
2018年4月3日 · That post does not deal with your main question- does Tidal Hi-fi played at native rate (exclusive mode) sound better than Spotify through the shared Windows stack. …
RIAA mode measurements - Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum
2019年5月31日 · Hi here are some measurement of the new RME ADI-2/4 Pro SE in RIAA (phono) mode The RME ADI-24 Pro SE is RME's last addition to their ADI-2 converters range. …
Moode Forum - Moode audio
2025年3月8日 · Help us by contributing code and knowledge, writing tutorials and guides, and by providing financial support via donations
moOde 9.2.5 is available
Hi, moOde 9.2.5 is available in the Media Player OS section of the Raspberry Pi Imager or as a direct download at https://moodeaudio.org.
Current-mode versus voltage-mode amplification | Audio Science …
2018年5月20日 · Current-mode amplification seems to be used only in certain line-level devices (for instance, the Krell CAST technology and the similar Audio-gd technology) and headphone …
2023年5月6日 · Being able to setup a WiFi SSID and password is a real convenience with the Pi Imager and it avoids the whole boot into AP mode hassle just to configure WiFi :-) Just as a …
No audio output using a HDMI speaker
2024年12月26日 · Hi everyone, I have some problems trying to get the output of my Moode Audio instance running on a Raspberry Pi onto a speaker connected via HDMI.