The great Model 13, 357 Magnum - Smith & Wesson Forum
The Model 13. Great 357 Magnum overshadowed by the Model 19. I have found the 4' Model 13 to point just a little better and hit a little faster than my 4' Model 19. The 3' 13, however,
New to me S&W 13's - smith-wessonforum.com
2025年1月5日 · I hope this is in the right place two from the 80's one from the 70's. I started reading threads about 3 inch S&W's and thought a model 13 might join my others. A LGA had 13-2 in the upcoming auct
To Model 13 or not Model 13, that is the question..
2025年1月17日 · So, local place has a 3” 13-3 in user condition. (Some scratches and end-of-barrel bluing wear, Pachmayr grips, no box, etc.). Priced at \\\5. Neat fixed sight 357, might be a nice “no frills” carry
My year for Model 13’s - smith-wessonforum.com
2024年12月5日 · My son in-law has a M13 he inherited from his grandfather that got me interested in this model. I have been keeping an eye out for one to fill this hole in my collection or accumulation for a few year
The model 13, .357, 3” barrel - Smith And Wesson Forums
2024年9月9日 · I just posted this on another forum and I thought you folks might find it interesting. This is a model 13, 3" round butt, .357. The last revolver the FBI issued to agents before they switched to auto loaders. They carried the "FBI" load which was a …
Model 19 Vs. Model 13 - smith-wessonforum.com
2012年1月20日 · Is there any difference between these models other than the sight's?
S&W Model 13, FBI-spec 3” .357 Magnum - smith-wessonforum.com
2025年1月13日 · Hello all, I’ve always wanted an FBI-spec Model 13, with the 3” barrel, since I saw Silence of the Lambs as a kid. I’ve found them to be rather costly when I do see them, so for years it’s kind of bee
Model 13-1 - A Little History with Photo's - Smith & Wesson Forum
2016年3月13日 · One of the revolvers we carried was the Model 13-1, note there were no straight up Model 13's manufactured. The Model 13-1 was built for the NYSP, basically from 1974 - 1978. It was derived from the Model 10-6, which most people believe is a 38 caliber. Smith & Wesson had a very good working relationship with the NYSP so they built a prototype Model 10-6, barreled for a 357 magnum. Because of ...
model 13- Model 10 differences - smith-wessonforum.com
2011年1月10日 · I recently acquired a Model 13-1, and put it next to my heavy barrel Model 10-3. I knew the cylinder on the 13 would be slightly longer, but I was surprised to learn the barrel on the 4' model 13
S&W Model 13-1 SN Info - Smith And Wesson Forums
2024年10月7日 · Hey folks. Just picked up a S&W Model 13-1. If I provide the SN can y’all a little back ground on the pistol? SN 2D41680 Thank you in advance!