The Definitive C Book Guide and List - Stack Overflow
It is a good book for learning and referencing C. Intermediate. Modern C — Jens Gustedt (2017 1st Edn; 2019 2nd Edn). Covers C in 5 levels (encounter, acquaintance, cognition, experience, …
Modern-C, Deep-C And Japanese Hybrid Strat? | The Gear Page
2022年10月25日 · Fender's specs for the Modern C (where they have it posted for USA and MIM models) is .820" at the first fret and .870" at the 12th fret. I would have to assume that the …
Fender "C" neck vs. Modern "C" neck - same profile or different?
2012年5月4日 · The "modern C" is most likely the 9.5" radius C neck used on the current American Standards. A "C" shaped neck thai is not "modern" could refer to any number of C …
Is every normal Fender production guitar with "modern C" neck?
2020年1月2日 · Fender currently lists 6 different profiles for their necks on production guitars; C-shape, modern C, D-shape, U-shape, V-shape and Deep C. All slight variations on the …
Modern C Neck Shape Compared To C Shape | The Gear Page
2020年12月21日 · Terms such as 'C', 'modern C' and 'D' can be as misleading as they are helpful. I've had an ES355 with a D neck that had a distinct flat spot in the middle, and a Strat with a …
What are the specs for a Fender Modern C shaped neck?
2019年11月4日 · The Modern C in the chart doesn't really match the shape they show now on Fender.com. The Modern C now looks to be asymmetrical. I just stopped by a music store and …
Fender "C" neck vs. Modern "C" neck - same profile or different?
2012年5月4日 · Modern (slim) C with medium jumbo frets on a 9.5 radius. Some of Fender's most consistently American, super-built instruments were from 2012 through 2016. Though we all …
Is Fender "modern C" Neck shape asymmetrical? | The Gear Page
2017年9月6日 · Some suggest that modern-C is thinner, some say it has less taper (thickness at first and 12th fret nearly the same). I compared my Road Worn 60s Strat (Classic-C) to a Road …
Fender Ultra "Modern D" neck profile - The Gear Page
2020年4月27日 · I found these measurements online for current Fender neck shapes. So Modern D is similar to Modern C but with more shoulder, and a little thicker at the 12th. Modern D.840 …
'63 Strat Neck Vs. Modern C - The Gear Page
2009年12月3日 · Most of the Fender modern C necks start at around 0.84" or so at the 1st fret and taper about 0.04" to 0.06" for 0.90" at most at the 12th fret (more typically about 0.88"). …