Synthesis, Structure, and Metalation of Two New Highly Porous …
2012年6月7日 · Within this paper, three new metal−organic frameworks are synthesized and structurally characterized, MOF-525, -535, and -545, based on two new topologies, ftw and csq. MOF-525 has the highest Brun...
MOF-525 and Fe-loaded MOF-525 for the selective
2024年11月1日 · The MOF-525 exhibits excellent adsorption removal for Cu(Ⅱ) and MOF-525(Fe) shows excellent adsorption removal for Cr(VI), and the characterization results indicate the isotherms characteristic of MOF-525 is conformed to type I while that of MOF-525(Fe) is conformed to type Ⅳ; moreover, MOF-525 is micropores and MOF-525(Fe) is mesopores ...
Sonochemical synthesis of Zr-based porphyrinic MOF-525 and MOF …
2021年3月1日 · The MOF-525 and MOF-545 prepared by the sonochemical route exhibited enhanced hydrolysis of the chemical warfare simulant dimethyl-4-nitrophenyl phosphate (DMNP) and a faster and higher bisphenol-A adsorption than the conventionally prepared MOF samples.
MOF-525 | Berkeley Global Science Institute
MOF-525 and -535 are composed of Zr6O4(OH)4 cuboctahedral units linked by either porphyrin (MOF-525) or cruciform (MOF-535). Another zirconium-containing unit, Zr6O8(H2O)8, is linked by porphyrin to give the MOF-545 structure. The structure of MOF-525 was obtained by analysis of powder X-ray diffraction data.
A review on zirconium-based metal–organic frameworks: synthetic ...
The remarkable adsorption capabilities of MOF-525 are attributed to its high specific surface area and the presence of porphine, phenyl, and carboxyl groups. Notably, MOF-525 demonstrates the ability to adsorb single-stranded nucleic acids. Furthermore, it maintains consistent red fluorescence emission when excited.
Ultrafast synthesis of zirconium-porphyrin framework nanocrystals …
2024年12月18日 · This study introduces Zr(IV) alkoxides as metal precursors, achieving ultrafast (∼minutes) and high-yield (>90%) synthesis of three well-known Zr-based porphyrinic MOF nanocrystals: MOF-525, PCN-224, and PCN-222, each with distinct topologies.
为什么卟啉基MOF的研究进展值得关注? - 知乎专栏
Applied Surface Science 报道研究人员制备了负载 纳米零价铁 (NZVI)的锆基卟啉MOF复合材料NZVI@MOF-545,并将其作为催化剂催化过硫酸盐(PDS)用于催化降解高浓度盐酸四环素(TCH),在最佳反应条件下探究了NZVI@MOF-545/PDS体系对TCH的降解机理及降解途径,并进 …
Sonochemical synthesis of Zr-based porphyrinic MOF-525 and MOF …
2021年3月1日 · In this work, Zr-based porphyrinic MOF-525 and MOF-545 in high purity and uniform size were produced through a sonochemical route in 2.5 and 0.5 h, respectively, using zirconyl chloride octahydrate and tetrakis (4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin. Benzoic acid was used as a modulator for MOF-525, and trifluoroacetic acid for MOF-545.
MOF-525 (Fe)催化剂草酸还原去除Cr (VI)反应的性能和机理 | 上海 …
通过单因素实验优化了实验条件,发现在OA剂量790 mg·L^-1、MOF-525(Fe)剂量500 mg·L^-1和pH 2.0的条件下,Cr(VI)的去除效率最高。此外,MOF-525(Fe)具有良好的稳定性和可重复使用性,为实际应用提供了潜力。通过FTIR、XPS和EPR分析,提出了Cr(VI)还原的可能机理。 展望:
【MOF-525】Zr-MOF高效吸附去除两种阴离子染料甲基橙和甲基 …
长江大学孔赟老师等报道的本篇文章(Environ Prog Sustainable Energy. 2024;e14543)中通过溶剂热法合成了一种Zr-MOF(MOF-525),并探究了其对两种阴离子染料(甲基橙,MO和甲基红,MR)的吸附性能。 结果显示,MOF-525具有2613.91 m²/g的比表面积、1.20 cm³/g的总孔容和1.84 nm的平均孔径,对MO和MR均展现出高吸附容量。 MO和MR的最佳吸附pH值分别为3.0和4.0,吸附容量分别为854.30 mg/g和629.67 mg/g。 随着SO4²⁻浓度的增加,对两种染料的吸 …