Metal–organic framework nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging ...
This review aims to integrate the state-of-the-art of MOF nanoparticles and their use in MRI. It gives an overview of the work done so far, focusing especially on the clinical applicability. Furthermore, it summarises the different factors for MR signal formation mechanisms important for the development of MR active nanoparticles and provides ...
Metal-Organic Frameworks for Bioimaging: Strategies and …
In this review, we introduce and summarize the synthesis and characterization methods of MOFs, and their bioimaging applications, including optical bioimaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and multi-mode. Furthermore, their bioimaging strategies, remaining challenges and future directions are discussed and proposed.
Metal-organic framework-based smart nanoplatforms for …
2023年1月1日 · MOF materials are used to improve the accuracy of computed tomography scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron-emission tomography imaging (PET), and optical imaging (OI). The most frequent imaging technologies are MRI, CT, and optical imaging OI.
Manganese complexes and manganese-based metal-organic …
2022年5月1日 · Mn-MOFs are divided into three categories based on their multidisciplinary applications. Mn-based materials employed as a potential MRI agent due to their strong targeting ability. Representative examples of these characteristics and mechanisms have been illustrated. These applications of CDT, SDT and PDT therapy for Mn-MOFs have discussed.
Biomedical Integration of Metal–Organic Frameworks
2020年5月1日 · The metal components of MOFs make them suitable for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT). Additionally, MOF-embedded therapeutic agents have demonstrated promise in photodynamic and photothermal therapies. In this review, we describe several advanced examples that utilize MOFs in these cutting-edge applications.
中山大学曹众团队 AHM: Fe2+/Fe3+ 基 MOFs用于MRI/US成像引 …
2021年11月30日 · 经过芬顿反应产生的Fe 2+ 和Fe 3+ 具有良好的T2加权磁共振成像(MRI)性能,尾静脉注射PGPMs纳米诊疗剂后,肿瘤部位超声显影效果显著增强,平均灰度值约为注射前灰度值的7.6倍。
金属有机框架在磁共振成像中作为造影剂,ChemBioEng Reviews - X …
金属有机框架(MOF)既可以用作药物输送的载药基质,也可以用作磁共振成像(MRI)的造影剂。 MOF在治疗和诊断应用中利用双重或多种模式作为T 1或T 2或T 1和T 2组合的药物输送和MRI造影剂的组合平台也发挥着重要作用。 造影剂,用于MRI图像增强。 本文概述了用作MRI造影剂的修饰和未修饰MOF的最新进展,并描述了它们的生物学评估,例如生物相容性,生物毒性,体内和体外MRI细胞成像以及动物的MRI图像增强。 它说明了通过复杂的设计和合成,使用的MOF类 …
Coordination‐Dissociation Induced T1‐Weighted Magnetic …
2025年3月12日 · A robust spn-type MOF is engineered by an isoreticular chemistry way, which endows it with the T1-weighted MRI turned-on response to the drug release via a coordination-dissociation mechanism. ... This proof-of-principle study demonstrates a practical pathway for designing MOF-based nanoplatforms for responsive MRI, paving the way for enhanced ...
武汉大学 ACS Nano 报道: 利用特异性响应的Mn(III)封印的MOFs纳 …
2019年6月11日 · 近日,武汉大学的张先正教授(通讯作者)课题组报道了一种由Mn (III)和卟啉(TCPP)通过“一锅法”设计合成的Mn (III)封印的金属有机骨架(MOFs)纳米系统。 其中,Mn (III)作为封印剂不仅可以淬灭基于TCPP的荧光,而且还会抑制其介导的活性氧(ROS)产生,使得MOFs成为一种惰性诊疗纳米颗粒。 在被肿瘤细胞内吞后,由于Mn (III)会与胞内的谷胱甘肽(GSH)发生氧化还原反应,使得MOFs被GSH分解成Mn (II)和游离TCPP,从而实现抗氧化 …
Gd基金属有机骨架框架 (Cd-MOF)磁共振造影剂/含氧化铁的超顺磁物质/影像对比剂/活体荧光造影剂_gd mof …
2021年4月8日 · 本文介绍了Gd基金属有机骨架框架 (Cd-MOF)作为磁共振造影剂的潜力,通过结合超顺磁性氧化铁提升性能。 Gd-MOF材料因其高表面积和可调性在生物医学领域有广泛应用,特别是作为MRI造影剂,能提高成像对比度。 讨论了影响Gd-MOF r值的因素,如配体类型、颗粒尺寸和温度,指出通过调整这些参数可以优化造影效果。 Gd基金属有机骨架 框架 (Cd-MOF)磁共振造影剂/含氧化铁的超顺磁物质/影像对比剂/活体荧光造影剂. Gd基金属有机骨架框架 (Cd-MOF) …