Molybdenum carbonyl (Mo (CO)6) | C6MoO6 | CID 98885
Molybdenum carbonyl (Mo(CO)6) | C6MoO6 | CID 98885 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
Hierarchical Bi2MoO6 nanosheet-built frameworks with excellent ...
2015年3月11日 · The photoelectrochemical study suggests that the hierarchical framework structure could facilitate the photoinduced charge separation and transfer from the inter-crossed Bi 2 MoO 6 nanosheets, which may make a significant contribution to …
氧空位对Bi 2 MoO 6 的关键作用:促进可见光光催化活性和反应机理
本文通过在制备过程中加入NaBH 4 诱导氧空位形成,合成出了具有氧空位的可见光驱动的Bi 2 MoO 6 微球(BMO-X).利用UV-vis DRS光谱研究了合成后的光催化剂的光学吸收性能,发现在产生氧空位后,BMO-4在可见区域的吸收显著增强,带隙从BMO的2.40 eV降低到BMO-4的2.07 eV.通常,较强的光吸收能力对光催化反应更有利,因为可以产生更多的光生载流子参与光催化作用.将所制备的催化剂用于光催化净化NO,结果表明具有氧空位的Bi 2 MoO 6 (BMO-4)的 …
Structure Tuning of Bi2MoO6 and Their Enhanced Visible Light ...
2017年6月29日 · Structure-tuning strategies for synthesis and modification of Bi 2 MoO 6, a novel visible light photocatalyst, have progressed at a quick pace. The enhancement of photocatalytic performances has been obtained through several morphology controls including hierarchical structures and heterojunctional nanocomposites.
Bi 2 MoO 6 的形貌调控及其应用研究进展 - 仁和软件
光催化技术是解决环境污染、能源危机以及微生物净化的有效手段之一,在半导体领域得到了广泛的应用和飞速的发展,其中Bi 2 MoO 6 因其具有较强的可见光响应性能和较窄带隙,逐渐成为光催化领域的研究热点。
Modulation of Bi2MoO6‐Based Materials for Photocatalytic Water ...
2019年4月10日 · As a fascinating Aurivillius phase material, Bi 2 MoO 6 has been the hotspot in photocatalytic applications due to its visible light absorption, nontoxicity, low cost, and high chemical durability. However, pure Bi 2 MoO 6 suffers from low efficiency in separating photogenerated carriers, small surface area, and poor quantum yield, resulting in ...
Modulation of Bi2 MoO6 -Based Materials for Photocatalytic
Various strategies, such as morphology control, doping/defect-introduction, metal deposition, semiconductor combination, and surface modification with conjugative π structures, have been systematically explored to improve the photocatalytic activity of Bi 2 MoO 6.
S型CeO 2 /Bi 2 MoO 6 微球异质结的理性设计及其高效光催化CO …
摘要: 人工半导体光催化CO 2 转化被广泛认为是模拟自然碳循环的最有前途的策略之一。 其中,Bi 2 MoO 6 具有光催化CO 2 转化的潜力。 然而,由于其光生电荷载体的快速复合,其催化性能仍然不足。 因此,改善Bi 2 MoO 6 的催化效率是一个紧迫的问题。 在这项研究中,我们通过水热法合成了Bi 2 MoO 6 纳米片,并在其表面同时生长了CeO 2...
Bi2MoO6 microstructures: controllable synthesis, growth mechanism…
The hierarchical flower-like Bi 2 MoO 6 were found to exhibit highly efficient visible-light driven photocatalytic activities for the degradation of rhodamine B (RhB). Comparisons of three Bi 2 MoO 6 microstructures with different morphologies suggest that the morphologies of the products have a great effect on the photocatalytic activities.
Enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity of Bi2MoO6 …
2018年5月1日 · Under visible-light irradiation, the Bi 2 MoO 6-x @Bi 2 MoO 6 catalyst is excited to generate electrons and holes at CB and VB, respectively. The oxygen vacancies in the core can provide defect states below CB and narrow the band gap, thus improved the utilization of …