DMU 50 3 rd Generation - DMG MORI USA
DMU 50 3rd Generation - 5-axis CNC milling machines and 5-axis CNC milling centers from DMG MORI
第三代DMU 50 - DMG MORI China
模块化系统,多种刀具托盘配置,可适用于HSK-50、HSK-63、HSK-100、EROWA ITS产品、Schunk产品
DMU Series - 5-axis milling - DMG MORI USA
The Universal Milling Machines of the DMU Series are offering the economical entry into 5-axes machining up to 5-axes simultaneous machining The rigid swivel rotary table allows a swivel range up to 110°
DMU 50 3rd Generation | Products | DMG MORI
2021年6月3日 · The 3rd generation of the DMU 50 meets the needs of 5-axis machining of the future and is characterised by innovative mechanical engineering technology. The larger working area and swivel range of the B-axis broaden the range of applications of the machine.
DMU 50 第3代 | Products | DMG MORI
2021年6月3日 · The 3rd generation of the DMU 50 meets the needs of 5-axis machining of the future and is characterised by innovative mechanical engineering technology. The larger working area and swivel range of the B-axis broaden the range of applications of the machine.
DMU 50c - DMG MORI5轴铣削 - DMG MORI China
无限产品体验——解锁所有的机床技术数据和产品宣传手册。 观看专属视频,阅读技术文章,白皮书和博客文章,深入了解 DMG MORI 的产品世界。 个性化访问其他 DMG MORI 平台,包括 …
第三代DMU 50 - DMG MORI China
第三代DMU 50 堪称精品级的机械电子系统,自诞生之日起至今已达20年,也是DMG MORI产品家族中当之无愧的畅销机。 自去年闪亮登场后,2018年已安排800多台的生产计划。
DMU 50 3rd Generation - DMG MORI
2018年5月10日 · This compact DMU 50 3 rd generation sets new standards in 5-axis to 5-axis simultaneous machining. With its extended swivel range, more powerful spindle and its innovative cooling concept the machine guarantees a competitive edge in a range of industries.
DMU 50 3rd Generation | 製品 | DMG MORI
第3世代のDMU 50は、革新的な機械構造を採用しており、これからの5軸加工のニーズに対応します。 加工エリアやB軸傾斜角度を拡大することで、さまざまなワークにも対応します。
Used DMG Mori DMU 50 Machining Center for sale | Machinio
DMG Mori DMU 50 and DMU 50 GEN III machining centers for sale. Find horizontal and vertical machining centers on Machinio.