36-24-36 (2024) - IMDb
36-24-36: Directed by Rezaur Rahman. With Sayed Zaman Shawon, Prarthona Fardin Dighi, Kaarina Kaisar, Mili Basher. Insecure plus-sized event planner Sayra falls for Tahsir. Confronting past trauma, her self-esteem falters. She embraces self-love, respect, and societal acceptance, redefining beauty standards, overcoming struggles with body image.
M O V I A - Advanced Imaging
Movia worked with Ogilvy & Mather (agency) and TV Zero (production co) in Rio de Janeiro to produce this 30 Second spot for Castrol GTX motor oil using 36 streaming HD cameras and recording directly to disk (three terabytes). The spot required shooting 100% of the film with our Movia 36 camera system and over 70% of it was shot on a moving car.
36-24-36 | Chorki Original Film
Having insecurities of being a plus sized person, Sayra an aspiring event planner falls in love with Tahsir. Sooner the story flows, Sayra confronts her past trauma and her esteems falls at stake. She resolute with self-love, respect and her acceptance towards the society challenging the perception of beauty.
九齐 - 电子设计论坛 - 21ic电子技术开发论坛
2021年10月18日 · movia 36 sfun TMR1 movia 18 sfun PWM1Duty movia 10000011B ; sfun T1CR1 movia 00001000B sfun T1CR2 RET SLE: MOVIA 0 XORAR KV,0 btrsS Status,2 RET MOVIA 0 XORAR MODE_V,0 ...
‘36-24-36’ coming to theatres, sent to censor board | Daily Star
2024年10月16日 · Director Rezaur Rahman’s “36-24-36,” originally scheduled for release on Chorki in July, was delayed due to the Anti-discrimination Students Movement that took place that month. Now, the OTT ...
Virus/Win64.Moiva的首个样本在2021年12月被安天捕获。它属于典型感染式病毒,是一类以感染宿主的方式完成自我传播的恶意代码。该感染式病毒关联样本是Windows平台下的PE文件,主要针对x86-64体系结构下的Windows 64位系统进行攻击。该感染式病毒变种数量有1种,但却经历了大量的免杀加工,以至样本Hash ...
深圳地铁MOVIA电动车组 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
该款列车為當時的深圳地铁一期工程(1号线、4号线)而購買 [1] 。 列车共生产132輛,22列,除首列车由庞巴迪运输位于德国的工厂生产外,其余21列由长春长客-庞巴迪轨道车辆生产。. 该款列车在庞巴迪的型号为movia 456,屬movia車系之一,在廣州地鐵及上海地鐵均有同款列车行走,但列车设计与前 ...
Moviax - Yeni Nesil Online Sinema
Moviax ile ilk kez vizyona çıkacak filmleri ve tekrar izlemek istediğin sevdiğin filmleri kirala izle.
Movia, Denmark – bus Schedules, Routes & Updates - Moovit
2025年2月24日 · The Movia has 369 bus routes in Denmark with 12505 bus stops. Their bus routes cover an area from the Bjørnstrup Vendepladsen (Røsnæsvej) stop to the Lufthavnen Øst Kystvejen (Kystvejen) stop and from the Nordre Strandvej (Vesterbrogade) stop to the Gedser Færge (Jernbanevejen) stop.
深圳地铁1号线长客庞巴迪A型列车 | 深圳交通百科 | Fandom
深圳地铁 1号线长客庞巴迪a型列车(01a2206庞,厂方称为movia 456型)由庞巴迪运输和长春轨道客车制造,为6节编组a型车,共有22组,于2004年12月28日随深圳地铁一期工程(1号线、4号线)开通同步投入运营。