MQ-90 Quox - Acepedia
The MQ-90 Quox is an unmanned combat aircraft developed by the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. Its design was created by Heijiro Yamamoto, and was based on the ASF-X Shinden II. The MQ-90 first appeared as the Q-X in the novel Ace Combat: Ikaros in the Sky, but it was later renamed and prominently...
MQ-90L Quox bis | Acepedia | Fandom
The MQ-90L Quox bis is a laser-equipped variant of the MQ-90 Quox, an unmanned combat drone developed by the Japan Air Self-Defense Force in the Infinity universe. Like the MQ-90, the Quox bis is named after the dragon of the same name from …
MQ-9收割者偵察機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
mq-9由一具950馬力(710 kw)的渦輪螺旋槳發動機提供動力,最大速度約為260節(480公里/小時),巡航速度為150~170節(280~310公里/小時)。mq-9的翼展為20公尺,最大有效載荷為3,800磅(1,700公斤),可掛載地獄火飛彈和500磅級的雷射導引炸彈。
CFA-44 - Wikipedia
2019年5月1日、テログループがmq-90を用いて東京に停泊中の国連軍の艦船並びにシナガワからカワサキにかけての沿岸地帯を攻撃した。 これに対しアローズ社や自衛隊機が迎撃し全機撃墜された。
MQ-9无人机 - 百度百科
MQ-9无人机(英文:MQ-9 Reaper UAV [1] ,绰号:收割者 [1] /捕食者,最后定名:死神 [2] ),是20世纪90年代至21世纪初期 美国 研制的一种无人 作战飞机 。 MQ-9无人机由美国通用原子能公司研发,系长航时中高空大型“察打一体”无人机,可以执行攻击、情报搜集 ...
MQ-90 Quox - oo7.jp
「ACE COMBAT INFINITY」に登場する無人戦闘機、MQ-90“クオックス”です。 1/72スケール。 CG・設定画をみるとややズングリした(大口径のF-110 GE-129を搭載するため)機体ですが、薄くしたかったのでエンジンを小径化、F-404/414を想定してアレンジを加えて製作しました。 原型をプラ板工作で作りレジンキャスト複製。 そろったパーツをそのまま組んだものですが、外部兵装無しの状態では少々あっさりし過ぎなので、機関砲周りのパネルおよび空中給油リセ …
Kacper Cohen - Ace Combat Wiki
In defending Tokyo, Cohen utilized an Aigaion-class heavy command cruiser, the MQ-90L, and a QFA-44 Carmilla controlled by the Butterfly Master. All of them were destroyed during Operation Override, but it is implied that USEA has stockpiled more of these units.
MQ-90 Quox - SimplePlanes
This design allows the MQ-90 to maintain stable long-term flight or make extreme maneuvers in battle by manipulating the blades. Operating the left and right blades asymmetrically can even produce lift while turning, without the risk of stalling. The MQ-90 has an air intake in the center of its nose, sporting a shock cone.
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出猎豹mq-90 90t矿机,可托管,四川矿场,全年稳定合规电力专业化建设及运维管理,欢迎实地考察。 联系我时,请说是在挖币网看到的,谢谢! 免责声明
MQ-90 Quox - Ace Combat Wiki
The MQ-90 Quox is an unmanned combat aircraft developed by the Japan Air Self-Defense Force. Its design was created by Heijiro Yamamoto, and was based on the ASF-X Shinden II. The MQ-90 first appeared as the Q-X in the novel Ace Combat: Ikaros in the Sky, but it was later renamed and prominently featured...