Structural and functional insights into the epigenetic regulator MRG15
2024年1月8日 · MRG15 plays vital regulatory roles in DNA damage repair, cell proliferation and division, cellular senescence and apoptosis by regulating both gene activation and gene repression via associations...
MRG15 orchestrates rhythmic epigenomic remodelling and
2020年5月4日 · Here, we show that genomic recruitment of MRG15, which is encoded by the mortality factor on chromosome 4 (MORF4)-related gene on chromosome 15, displays a significant diurnal rhythm and...
J Hepatol(IF=30)| 中国科学院发现治疗非酒精性脂肪性肝炎的潜 …
2022年8月15日, 中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所 丁秋蓉团队在Journal of Hepatology(IF=30)在线发表题为“MRG15 aggravates non-alcoholic steaohepatitis progression by regulating the mitochondrial proteolytic degradation of TUFM”的研究论文,该研究发现患有 NASH 的人和小鼠的肝脏中的 MRG15 ...
MRG15, a Novel Chromodomain Protein, Is Present in Two Distinct ...
2002年12月27日 · MRG15 is a novel chromodomain protein that is a member of a family of genes related to MORF4. MORF4 (mortality factor on chromosome 4) induces senescence in a subset of human tumor cell lines. Our previous results indicated that MRG15 (MORF-related gene on chromosome 15) could derepress the B-myb promoter by association with Rb.
上海营养与健康所丁秋蓉课题组发现节律性调控染色质重塑和脂代 …
2020年5月4日,国际学术期刊 Nature Metabolism 在线发表了中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所丁秋蓉课题组的研究论文“MRG15 orchestrates rhythmic epigenomic remodeling and controls hepatic lipid metabolism”。该研究发现MRG15作为一个进化上保守的表观调控因子在调控肝脏组织 …
MRG15 promotes cell apoptosis through inhibition of mitophagy …
2024年11月2日 · Transcriptome and single-cell analysis revealed that elevated MRG15 expression in AP contributes to lipid metabolism disorders and the activation of apoptosis pathways in pancreatic acinar cells. MRG15 is found to …
Mrg15 stimulates Ash1 H3K36 methyltransferase activity and …
2017年11月21日 · In vivo, Mrg15 is recruited by Ash1 to their common targets, and Mrg15 reinforces Ash1 chromatin association and facilitates the proper deposition of H3K36me2. To dissect the functional role of...
表观遗传调节因子 MRG15 的结构和功能见解,Acta …
15 号染色体上的 morf4 相关基因 (mrg15) 是一种染色质重塑基因,在进化上是保守的,并且在哺乳动物组织和细胞中普遍表达。 MRG15 通过与特定的组蛋白乙酰转移酶和组蛋白脱乙酰酶复合物结合来调节基因激活和基因抑制,在 DNA 损伤修复、细胞增殖和分裂、细胞 ...
MRG15 orchestrates rhythmic epigenomic remodelling and ... - PubMed
Here, we show that genomic recruitment of MRG15, which is encoded by the mortality factor on chromosome 4 (MORF4)-related gene on chromosome 15, displays a significant diurnal rhythm and activates lipid genes in the mouse liver.
J Hepatol:MRG15可能是非酒精性脂肪肝炎的新潜在靶点@MedSci
2022年8月26日 · 近日,该团队等研究人员在Journal of Hepatology上在线发表标题为MRG15 aggravates nonalcoholic steatohepatitis progression through regulating the mitochondrial proteolytic degradation of TUFM的研究论文,发现在NASH发生过程中,炎症因子会增强MRG15的蛋白稳定性,而MRG15会在线粒体外膜与线粒体Tu ...