TLOD & OLOD Defined - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
2023年5月25日 · I know what TLOD and OLOD mean, but what I don’t understand is what, exactly, each of them are affecting in the sim. Are trees objects and subject to OLOD or are they terrain and subject to TLOD? Does TLOD affect buildings in cities in the distance?
What is the deal with Terrain Level of Detail (TLOD)?
2022年11月22日 · TLOD is a CPU limiter, as is OLOD, so there are two scenarios where your CPU gets limited CPU loaders being too high. CPU loaders are: TLOD, OLOD, TRAFFIC (of all types, including airport traffic and workers etc), and clouds.
GitHub - ResetXPDR/MSFS_AutoFPS: MSFS2020_AutoFPS updated …
This app directly accesses active MSFS memory locations while MSFS is running to read and set TLOD, OLOD and cloud quality settings on the fly at a maximum rate of one read and change per setting per second, normally much less.
GitHub - ResetXPDR/DynamicLOD_ResetEdition
This utility directly accesses active MSFS memory locations while MSFS is running to read and set OLOD, TLOD and cloud quality settings on the fly. From 0.3.7 version onwards, the utility will first verify that the MSFS memory locations being used are still valid and if not, likely because of an MSFS version change, will attempt to find where ...
Did Something Change with OLOD? - Microsoft Flight Simulator …
2024年6月26日 · OLOD only manages scenery objects, so it will only change airplanes which are always static, meaning that airport creator added them as scenery. Generic airports don´t have them, just some handcrafted or third party airports. The AI traffic is made of SimObjects and their detail can´t be changed by user as far as I know.
MSFS - the significance of TLOD - The AVSIM Screen Shots Forum …
2024年3月16日 · With the right settings in the app, and the right hardware, it is possible to get higher than default TLOD + OLOD. Default is limited to TLOD max 400 and OLOD max 200. And remember: TLOD has a huge impact on CPU load (and …
GitHub - ResetXPDR/MSFS2020_AutoFPS: A simple utility for MSFS …
This app directly accesses active MSFS memory locations while MSFS is running to read and set TLOD, OLOD and cloud quality settings on the fly at a maximum rate of one read and change per setting per second, normally much less.
Terrain LoD the ObjectsLoD : r/MicrosoftFlightSim - Reddit
2021年8月13日 · Terrain LOD has low-to-medium FPS impact. Objects LOD impact depends on the scenery around you: The more buildings, the higher the impact. It also has a HUGE impact when you are in airports since it means on top of all the airport, it will draw distanct city buildings. If you are stressed for FPS, lower Object LOD first.
Mods & Tweaks that took MSFS 2020 to the next level for me ... - Reddit
2024年3月14日 · It adjusts everything from clouds, TLOD, OLOD, and even allows you to adjust min/max altitudes for OLOD so your scenery is always maxed out with no FPS loss. You can even see the settings it has and shows how it’s adjusting them on the fly (no pun intended).
Dynamic Graphics Settings: Expose TLOD/OLOD/Clouds/etc via …
2024年3月13日 · I’d love to have dynamic graphics options like this, especially for the TLoD/OLoD. When I fly to a busy airport like KJFK I need <=200 TLoD/OLoD to maintain my FPS, however when bush flying (low altitude) I can run 300-400+, probably even higher at high altitude.