Hi. Is there any way of accessing old msn messenger contacts that …
2023年2月24日 · Unfortunately, MSN Messenger was officially discontinued by Microsoft in 2014, and the service and its data have since been deactivated and deleted. This means that it is not …
MSN messenger account login - Microsoft Community
2013年12月10日 · You can check you Messenger contacts by signing in to https://people.live.com. As for the linking of your Skype ID and Microsoft account, you can …
The return of MSN Messenger - Microsoft Community
2023年11月21日 · As much as both of us want the MSN Messenger back, there's no such news for now. When Microsoft announces the return of MSN Messenger, you will surely hear news …
Old MSN Messenger Profile Data - Microsoft Community
2014年9月16日 · How can I access my old msn messenger profile data. I need to change several things such as mobile number, address etc. also my old msn messenger profile is showing in …
Log on to Windows Live Messenger - Microsoft Community
2017年5月26日 · The support for Windows Live Messenger has been discontinued by Microsoft. This program stopped working last March 15, 2013. As an alternative, you can download …
I want MSN Messenger back - Microsoft Community
I want it because I need to retrieve some chats from that software, why MSN Discontinued it. me and My hundreds of friend need that back. It doesn't matter whether we have thousand of …
Does Microsoft have any plans for a future Windows Live …
2023年1月2日 · the original MSN Messenger , later Windows Live Messenger was the absolute best messaging app and Microsoft could totally create a cross platform messenging app, …
How do I retrieve my old MSN chat conversations?
You can open those files using Internet Explorer. Please take note also that if you configure your Messenger not to save conversation history or you changed the location where it was going to …
Retrieving Chat History from MSN Messenger - Microsoft …
Hi Microsoft Team/MSN Team and others, Is there any possible way for me to retrieve my old MSN chats and the e-mail addresses of people I used to speak with through the Messenger? …
return of msn messenger - Microsoft Community
2024年12月10日 · Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another.