Trade Name: Chemical Formula: Recommended Use: Cobalt Oxide CoO Scientific research and development
Properly operating chemical fume hood designed for hazardous chemicals and having an average face velocity of at least 100 feet per minute. The usual precautionary measures for handling chemicals should be followed. Keep away from foodstuffs, beverages and feed. Remove all soiled and contaminated clothing immediately.
Cobalt oxide (CoO) SDS, 1307-96-6 Safety Data Sheets - ECHEMI
2019年7月15日 · Look through Cobalt oxide (CoO) MSDS details show. We provide Cobalt oxide (CoO) 1307-96-6 safety data sheet view and download for free at Echemi.com.
MSDS、SDS、COA、TDS分别是什么? - 知乎
MSDS化学品的安全说明书(Material Safety Data Sheet)是化学品生产商和进口商用来阐明化学品的理化特性(如PH值,闪点,易燃度,反应活性等)、对使用者的健康产生的危害(如致癌,致畸等)、环境危害、以及安全使用、泄漏应急救护处置、法律法规等方面信息 ...
Disclaimer The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality …
Cobalt (II) oxide 99.99 trace metals 1307-96-6 - MilliporeSigma
Cobalt (II) oxide (Cobaltous oxide) | Cobalt (II) oxide (CoO) can be used as a catalytic material in the form of nanorods in oxygen-evolution reaction (OER) and photocatalytic hydrogen evolution (PHE) | Buy chemicals and reagents online from Sigma Aldrich
Cobalt oxide - Safety Data Sheet - ChemicalBook
2025年3月8日 · Material Safety Data Sheet or SDS for Cobalt oxide 1307-96-6 from chemicalbook for download or viewing in the browser
Acer宏碁超轻薄SwiftSF114-32Battery MSDS UN383 CNAS COO …
Acer宏碁超轻薄SwiftSF114-32Battery MSDS UN383 CNAS COO for air transportation使用手册 (2).pdf 2页
Acer宏碁笔记本PredatorPredator PT314-51sBattery MSDS UN383 CNAS COO …
2024年10月17日 · Acer宏碁笔记本PredatorPredator PT314-51sBattery MSDS UN383 CNAS COO for air transportation使用手册 (2).pdf 2页
TEMU电池产品资质解读CE-Battery/MSDS-Battery/UN 38.3/Air …
本期分析重点的 电池类资质 合规要点,给到商家提醒,帮助商家提高资质合规性。 一、电池类资质都有哪些? MSDS-Battery (电池产品成分数据表)。 这些重点资质如何做到合规? 本文会介绍重点资质下的合规要点以及示例。 二、合规要点有哪些? 电池安全检测报告,检测标准需是 IEC/EN/UL 62133 、 UL2054 、 UL 2056 、 UL2743 、UL1642中之一,且文件中需要有实验室的盖章。 UN38.3试验概要+检测报告,要求两份文件的共有信息一致,且文件中需要有实验室 …