Mu Gua - 木瓜 - Fructus Chaenomelis - American Dragon
Mu Gua focuses on transforming Dampness to relax the sinews in conditions where Dampness predominates such as sudden turmoil disorder or Damp Bi with restricted movement of the …
Mu Gua - 1st Chinese Herbs
Mu Gua benefits gastrointestinal health, boosts the immune system, supports healthy blood pressure and benefits skin health. Mu Gua has anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatism, anti …
木瓜(Pseudocydonia sinensis (Dum.Cours.) C.K.Schneid.),是蔷薇科木瓜属的唯一一个物种,别称光皮木瓜、海棠、木李等。 [1-2] [4] 木瓜是灌木或小乔木,树皮成片状脱落;叶片椭圆 …
Mu Gua - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · It specializes in removing dampness and is rated as the essential herb for treating dampness arthralgia characterized by spasm of tendons and vessels.
Uses of Mu Gua (木瓜) in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2024年9月24日 · Mu gua, also known as Chinese quince or 木瓜 in Mandarin, has been a staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries. This article delves into the various …
Mu Gua (Flowering quince) in Chinese Medicine - meandqi.com
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Mu Gua belongs to the 'Herbs that dispel Wind and Dampness' category. These herbs typically help treat what's called 'bi pain' (i.e. painful …
Mu Gua (Fructus Chaenomelis) - Tcmly
Mu Gua commonly known as Fructus Chaenomelis is the nearly mature fruit of Chaenomeles speciosa, which is a deciduous shrub belonging to the family Rosacea. It is a relatively …
Mu Gua 木瓜 - herbguide
Relaxes tight muscles and opens blocked channels: used to treat bi syndrome with muscular stiffness, cramping, and spasms, and muscular atrophy. Use for acute or chronic conditions. …
木瓜 - 中医中药网
木瓜用于湿痹拘挛,腰膝关节酸重疼痛,吐泻转筋,脚气水肿。 名称: 木瓜. 类别:祛风湿药. 拼音:MU GUA. 拉丁:Fructus Chaenomelis. 别名: 木瓜实、铁脚梨. 药用部位:成熟果实. 药 …
木瓜平肝舒筋,和胃化濕,改善濕痹腳氣水腫 - 雲端中醫養生
木瓜,在古代醫籍中被廣泛記載具有通經絡的功效,其作用機理並非單純的「益筋」,而是透過多種途徑達到疏通經絡的目的。 《蘭室祕藏》李東垣認為木瓜「氣脫能收,氣滯能和」,點明 …
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