Mu Peng - Beijing
Mu Peng, male, Han ethnicity, was born in May 1966. He holds an EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) degree and is a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
穆鹏,男,汉族,1966年5月出生,陕西礼泉人,1988年7月参加工作,1986年4月加入中国共产党,重庆建筑工程学院地下工程与隧道工程专业大学毕业,高级管理人员工商管理硕士,工程师。 现任北京市政府党组成员、副市长。 [15] [17] [21] 负责城市管理、交通、农业农村方面工作,协助负责应急管理方面工作。 分管北京市城市管理委员会(首都城市环境建设管理委员会办公室)、北京市交通委员会、北京市农业农村局(北京市乡村振兴局),北京市人民政府天安门地区管理委 …
mu peng - KWM
mu peng. Partner. Shanghai, China. TEL +86 21 2412 6033. EMAIL [email protected]. CN > Our People > mu peng > Expertise. PRACTICES. Securities & Capital Markets; Advisory Services for Listed Companies; M&A of Listed Companies; Onshore/Offshore Initial Public Offerings and Refinancing; SECTORS.
Religion and Religious Practices in Rural China - 豆瓣读书
Mu Peng is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Folk Literature at Beijing Normal University.
Mu Peng | 沐朋設計
沐朋設計 | 抱持著純粹的設計理念,成立沐朋設計有限公司。 為一設計整合及技術顧問服務團隊。 服務項目包含建築外觀規劃、臨時性建築、室內設計、景觀規劃等一切關於美的事物。
Beijing powers up green energy transition - Asia News Network
2023年2月10日 · Mu Peng, head of the Beijing Commission of Development and Reform, said the capital established cooperation mechanisms for the development of green electricity with Shanxi province and the Inner Mongolia autonomous region last year.
Mu PENG | Northeast Forestry University, Harbin - ResearchGate
Mu PENG | Cited by 421 | of Northeast Forestry University, Harbin (NEFU) | Read 39 publications | Contact Mu PENG
(PDF) Book Review: Mu Peng, Religion and Religious
2021年8月31日 · This is a review of Mu Peng's recent book on popular religion in rural China. https://readingreligion.org/books/religion-and-religious-practices-rural-china Discover the world's research
Mu Peng | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Mu Peng is currently pursuing the master’s degree with the College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, China. His research interests include data mining and intelligent transportation technology.
Mu Peng - Semantic Scholar
2015年11月30日 · Mu Peng’s fascinating recent monograph, Religion and Religious Practices in Rural China, is ostensibly and primarily concerned with fieldwork studying local practices associated with Chinese popular …