Why do so many people use the word "muh" meaning "my" all of …
It started somewhere on 4chan, it's basically a way to communicate mumbling. As in, the person would be covered in spaghetti mumbling timidly about something that has been proved to be stupid in prior parts of the story.
What is the origin of "muh" as a replacement of "my"? - Reddit
The first time I THINK I saw a 'muh' used, was in a Tyler Perry movie. I can't confirm the usage because I am deaf-the captions on the film say 'muh dear' which a boy has to call his foster mother. It was hard for me to follow because the captions were kind of off. (Grammer stickers of reddit would have heart attacks viewing most CC'd films or ...
Transcript of James' emotional meltdown about muh kids from
It's fine to miss muh kids- totally understandable. Didnt see the video, and don't plan on it, but this must but the dragon in muh dreams to shame with the cheese factor. Also- that statement, ya know, seems like, and maybe I'm, ya know, reading way too deeply into it, but it reads as ya know, emotionally manipulative for sympathy from muh fans ...
What is the origin of “Muh dragon?” : r/TheCinemassacreTruth
2021年7月22日 · "muh" is a common phrase around here, it mocks james' way of speaking like a dullard. Then you have the classic "dragon in my dreams" video where James makes up this farce about some childhood statue sparking his imagination and launching him into the world of professional filmmaking.
I know it's supposed to be a "muh two world wars" meme... But
2020年11月11日 · Look, 1911s are awesome, inherently accurate and shootable guns that can achieve a high level of reliability when correctly built and properly maintained, but I would absolutely not take one over something like a Glock in a SHTF scenario where I’m assuming things like lube and good mags will be rare.
What does "Muh Bael" mean? : r/Gundam - Reddit
"Muh" is a way of trying to pronounce "my" as somebody who is very dimwitted. So "Muh ____" is exclaiming about something the speaker holds stupidly high. In the case of "Muh Bael," it's McGillis holding the Bael as a foolishly elevated symbol, and the joke is that he looks like a god-damned idiot for clinging to this mobile suit and thinking ...
But MUH FREEDOM! : r/WhitePeopleTwitter - Reddit
Posted by u/orchid_breeder - 152,363 votes and 3,301 comments
Can’t find what’s taking up so much space : r/Windows10 - Reddit
2021年9月17日 · Disk Cleanup is limited to things related to your OS. But there are plenty of other folders that unnecessary files can be stored, and Windows has no tools that let you easily find those.
What's up with "Muh"? : r/TheCinemassacreTruth - Reddit
2022年2月3日 · “Muh” is a variation of the possessive pronoun “my”. It’s used mockingly to attack people who are overly attached to or protective over a certain object/place/concept. In Bimmy’s case it’s usually “muh kids” or “muh harrer movies” that we …
Where did the term "muh" originate from? : r/OutOfTheLoop
The history is like a story, "Muh" could have been used earlier somewhere else, and that might matter but it might not, because the racist political cartoon was where the idea spread, and started changing through people extending, remixing, and parodying the meme. The literal first use of "muh" could have been in the 15th century even.