CRAN: Package MuMIn
MuMIn: Multi-Model Inference Tools for model selection and model averaging with support for a wide range of statistical models. Automated model selection through subsets of the maximum …
使用R包MuMIn在线性模型中进行模型选择的一个示例 - 知乎
R语言MuMIn(Multi-Model Inference)包是一个用于执行模型选择的工具,主要原理是通过全子集回归来选择最优模型。 例如,García-Palacios等(2018)基于全球123个旱地生态系统的调 …
For a complete list of functions, use library(help = "MuMIn"). By default, AIC cis used to rank models and obtain model weights, although any information cri-terion can be used. At least the …
MuMIn package - RDocumentation
Tools for model selection and model averaging with support for a wide range of statistical models. Automated model selection through subsets of the maximum model, with optional constraints …
MuMIn-package function - RDocumentation
The package MuMIn contains functions to streamline information-theoretic model selection and carry out model averaging based on information criteria.
MuMIn: Multi-Model Inference
MuMIn: Multi-Model Inference Tools for model selection and model averaging with support for a wide range of statistical models. Automated model selection through subsets of the maximum …
MuMIn: Multi-model inference | Request PDF - ResearchGate
2013年1月1日 · Once a top model structure was identified, we used the dredge function from the MuMIn package (Bartoń, 2022) to identify which predictor variables significantly contributed to …
dredge function - RDocumentation
# Example from Burnham and Anderson (2002), page 100: # prevent fitting sub-models to different datasets oop <- options(na.action = "na.fail") fm1 <- lm(y ~ ., data = Cement) dd <- …
The Ultimate Guide to the MuMIn Package in R - R Basics
Explore valuable documentation and insights to make the most of the MuMIn package in R. Get ready to unlock the full potential of the MuMIn package!
Mumin 1 - La llegada del cometa | Penguin Libros
Mumin decide investigar lo sucedido y, junto con su amigo Sniff, se embarca río abajo en busca de un misterioso observatorio para averiguar si realmente el valle está amenazado por un …