CRAN: Package MuMIn
MuMIn: Multi-Model Inference Tools for model selection and model averaging with support for a wide range of statistical models. Automated model selection through subsets of the maximum model, with optional constraints for model inclusion.
使用R包MuMIn在线性模型中进行模型选择的一个示例 - 知乎
R语言MuMIn(Multi-Model Inference)包是一个用于执行模型选择的工具,主要原理是通过全子集回归来选择最优模型。 例如,García-Palacios等(2018)基于全球123个旱地生态系统的调查数据,评估了影响生态系统稳定性重要生态因子。
Moomins - Wikipedia
They are a family of white, round fairy-tale characters with large snouts that make them resemble the hippopotamus. However, despite this resemblance, the Moomin family are trolls who live in a house in Moominvalley. Between 1945 and 1993, nine books were released in the series, together with five picture books and a comic strip.
此文介绍如何使用 MuMIn包 使用最优子集法进行多重线性回归的模型筛选以及模型平均。多重线性回归需要进行的数据检验过程都写在 多重线性回归需要进行的数据检验过程都写在
2023年3月21日 · 通过使用mumin包,可以使用最优子集法进行多重线性回归的模型筛选和模型平均。最优子集法是一种在给定的自变量集合中选择最佳子集的方法,通过比较不同子集的统计指标(如aic、bic等),选择最合适的模型。 在进行...
Moomin Official Site: Discover the Wonders of Moominvalley
2025年3月18日 · Moomin Official Site: discover Moominvalley and the magical characters created by Tove Jansson. Get the latest Moomin news and stories.
Mumin - Wikipedia
Mumin denotes a person who has complete submission to the will of God and has faith firmly established in his heart, i.e. a "faithful Muslim". [1] Also, it is used as a name and one of the names of God. [1] The opposite term of iman (faith) is kufr (disbelief), and the opposite of mumin is kafir (disbeliever). [2] [3] [4] The Quran states: O ...
MuMIn: Multi-Model Inference
MuMIn: Multi-Model Inference Tools for model selection and model averaging with support for a wide range of statistical models. Automated model selection through subsets of the maximum model, with optional constraints for model inclusion.
Mumins – Wikipedia
Die Mumins sind von der finnlandschwedischen Schriftstellerin Tove Jansson erfundene Trollwesen von nilpferdartigem Aussehen. Sie leben im idyllischen Mumintal irgendwo in Finnland. Die Mumins und die Snorks haben eine geschätzte Körpergröße von 50 cm, einen kurzen Pelz, einen buschigen Schwanz und sind gute Schwimmer und Taucher sowie auch ...
Mysbod.se - Butiken för dig som älskar Mumin!
Välkommen till vår Muminbutik på nätet! Hos oss hittar du alla dina favoritprylar från Mumindalen. Kanske vill du fylla på din samling av Muminmuggar eller hitta en fin present till någon som älskar Tove Janssons älskade Muminfigurer? Vi har även kläder, accessoarer och inredningsdetaljer med motiv från Mumindalen.