Steam Community :: Guide :: How To Land on The Mun
2021年11月29日 · Execute the maneuver, then circularize at Mun periapsis, same as before. There should be two craft orbiting the Mun, the current one in a higher orbit and the stranded one in a lower orbit. Set the lower one as a target, similar to targeting the Mun. Add a maneuver anywhere on the upper orbit, and drag retrograde until it intersects the lower ...
Landing: Your First Kerbal On The Mun - Steam Community
2013年5月2日 · Below are 3 Guides I've written, these guides are crucial elements needed to be known in KSP. Read them, and use their knowledge to further your own. Your Goal: Get your lander into the influence of the Mun's Gravity with a decent amount of fuel then return to this guide for landing instruction.
Tips on the most efficient, fuel wise, Munar landing.
2018年10月31日 · Best fuel way is to launch and direct ascent to the mun, but let's ignore that and go to landing Whatcha do is set that Pe to around 4km and hope to ♥♥♥♥ the large canyon or also large mountain isn't there this time you're landing (alternatively set your Pe to 4.5km) wait until you're at Pe and burn like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on retrograde.
attempting to go to mun for the first time in career mode, tips?
2024年7月20日 · The drogue chutes can be deployed around 500 m/s, and the others 250 m/s I think. The icons will change color to indicate safety KSP doesn't concern itself with chutes getting tangled up. Hope you have enough when you touch ground to avoid parts exploding on impact. Now that's a good Mun guide if I've ever seen one.
Advice for efficient science grinding on mun / minmus. How, what …
2021年5月6日 · I have been playing KSP since early access so have seen many changes to things. My current game i have just orbited and landed on mun / minmus once each. In the past I used to haul a sci.jr. up there and slap a few goo pods and stuff on the side. Now i haul a service bay packed with the experiments (minus the sci. jr.) there and back again. I have seen a …
Ksp, how to go to the mun and back in career mode?
2013年10月19日 · The Mun landing is quite possible with early career parts. That said, I had a much easier time with Minmus. While it's actually further out, a Minmus landing (and Kerbin return) is somewhat simpler than the closer target. Theres a great tutorial on youtube covering exactly this mission profile. By Scott Manley (as usual).
What is the Altitude of "In space low" and "In space high"?
2014年7月30日 · If it says "Crew Report From High Above The Mun", then yes, the game thinks that you are in the right biome ("High Above"). If you view the contract status while in-flight, there will be a checkmark next to each criteria that you are met (e.g. "In orbit of the Mun" should definately be checked).
Lowest Possible Mun Orbit? :: Kerbal Space Program General …
2013年8月15日 · Here's myself, in a stable 4.8K Apogee ecuatorial orbit around the Mun. It really got me thinking, what is the lowest possible orbit around the Mun? Whenever I went any lower, I hit some sort of mountain or hill. Here are some screenshots showing how close I am to the ground. (I can't upload them here because I bought KSP off the website)
Finding mun stone with Parallax? :: Kerbal Space Program General ...
2022年10月9日 · Ok, I finally found one. I decided to land in the canyon biome. Since the slopes weren't cluttered by Parallax stones, they were easier to eye for the bright vanilla ksp stone among the dark vanilla ksp stones. Spotted a few crater features too, but didn't have the equipment to scan those. They're easier to spot among the rock clutter anyway.
Best way to explore all the biomes on the mun and minmus?
2018年2月22日 · M-016 Mun Bus though could have some some hopping, with up to 7,359 dV, all the instruments, and a crew capacity of 10. But by my 20th launch, M-020 Reliant became my first mining ship that could biome-hop freely and finish exploring the Mun and Minmus (4,249 m/s dV, including ore). If it can land, it can refuel.